So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Well, I figured I'm lurking so much on other's posts that I might as well post my own!

I'm a married (17 years of wedded bliss to be exact) part-time working mother of two mostly fantastic boys who keep me laughing all the time.
Between one's acting and the other's football, I am busy all the time.

I'm lucky enough to do part-time transcription at home (mostly in my pj's).. nothing exciting but it fits into my life right now.

Currently (don't know if you know this Norma) I'm in the process of building a house right next to my in-laws (yes, its a good thing!) and will be out of the house I live in by the end of the month (yikes!).. I'm so stressed that I seem to be taking more naps than I have ever taken in my life.. and my usual organizational competence seems to have gone out the window.. I think the word is DENIAL.

Although I know I'm complaining, it's all good.. I guess I better get back to work.

More to come!


  • At 3:15 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    The stress of building is beyond belief. I know it was not at all "fun" 5 years ago. I hope you get your skills back lol. Have fun with that and it was nice hearing about U!


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