So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I just had a great time reading everyone's blogs.. I feel like its been years! Glad everyone is doing well.. love all the pictures too! Stephie, I love that the weather is warmer!!! I'm with you all the way, baby!

I'm so happy that the holidays are past us and I'm back to trying to be organized. I don't know what happened this year, but I was so not prepared for any of it!

Work is good, still don't like going out every day but what the heck, right? I really enjoy the people that I work with and laugh pretty hard every single day. Plus, I get home early enough to do all the kid's activities and still cook dinner!
Another thing I like is the interaction with the people (some of who are nicer than others!). I also get the other side of working in mammogram which is dealing with breast cancer every day of the week. It is very very sad when we see women who come in for a yearly check up who end up going through more tests and eventually being diagnosed. We are all very sensitive and understanding of the stress that they and their families are under. Women out there, PLEASE get your yearly mammogram. The reason you need it yearly is because sometimes it can be undetectible on the first one, but when you have more to compare to you can see a change. It is not 100%, but what is? So think pink.... and get your mammogram! Love and hugs to all :)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday Nights...

I have seen the future.. and it will involve lots of picking up children later in the evening.

When I was really young, I loved Friday nights because I got to stay up later and looked forward to Saturday morning cartoons.

Then I had friends, and Friday nights meant BIG plans with the neighborhood friends.

I got older, and Friday nights were for dressing up and maybe going out dancing with girlfriends, or to dinner and a movie with my boyfriend.

Then I grew up and Friday nights meant the week was over and I could relax and sleep in on Saturday.

Then I had kids and Friday nights meant Bill didn't have to get up the next day and could share nighttime duty with me.

Then the kids grew older and Friday nights meant family movie or game nights.

Now the kids are teens and tweens and Friday nights mean that they have plans with friends, or basketball practice and I (we) have to sit in the house in between dropping them off and picking them up. Friday nights mean I have to wait until 10 o'clock before I can put my pajamas on and settle in for the night.

What is Friday night going to mean when they are driving and out on their own?

Well, at least I can still sleep late on Saturday. Although I no longer like cartoons. :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

MerryChristmas to All!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you are all ready because the season is upon us. I'm late as can be, but getting there. Shopping is almost done, wrapping is mostly done, baking has not yet begun.. but the tree is up, there is snow on the ground and I'm going to get in the spirit if it kills me.

We have even made our cut out Christmas tree even if we were 9 days late and had to glue on all 9 days on the same day. So what!?

I will make my famous crabbies and bake my cream cheese cookies on Saturday while Billy and Matt are at the Bruins game and Sunday the Tringali's are all coming here. We plan on a quiet Christmas eve, just the four of us. I have to work 1/2 day and then we are going to the early mass, out for chinese food and back to watch A Christmas Carol.

On Christmas day my brother and sister-in-law have once again stepped up and will host Christmas day for the Feloni family. It will be a very special Christmas having us all there (except our Jessica) because my father's cancer has, like the ghost of Christmas past, come back to haunt us. He begins chemotherapy treatment on December 27th and once again my dear parents will be in and out of Boston while my father fights his heroic fight for more time here with us. And once again, his spirits make me so proud of him. He has more strength, courage and determination than a man half his age. Once again, Christmas will be bittersweet.

I'll try to visit more frequently.. I have pics to post of Billy's play and I still need to post Matt's football pictures. My Christmas wish this year is to have more time.. or at least to utilize the time that I do have more wisely. I almost can't wait til the New Year so I can start my list of things I need to do better.

Thanks for listening, blog friends. Merry Christmas and God Bless us Everyone!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

28 minutes later....

OK, I'm officially terrified.

We rented 28 days later last weekend and Bill, Billy and I sat down in the family room watching as a virus ran rampant in London and turned everyone into angry flesh eating zombies. This is definitely no Dawn of the Dead. Even though I watched through my fingers and screamed out a loud a few times I was certainly not prepared for Part 2....28 Weeks later.

I think this is one of the scariest movies I have seen in a long time. I was SO SCARED.. I still keep thinking a bloody head is going to be pounding through my living room window and start tearing my limbs off. If you like scary, see this. I know Drew is a fan of Part 1.. have you seen the second?

I'm grateful I am a grown up because if I was living with my brothers and sisters, I would be awakened in the night with a ketchup bloody faced sibling and would probably have a heart attack. Bill doesn't like to sit next to me when watching scary movies because I jump a mile high. My adrenaline is pumping.. yikes...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


We lost the Superbowl on Sunday :( We went in as the underdogs so I was really happy for the boys that they even made it that far. Within the first ten minutes of the game the Raiders scored 2 touchdowns.. They had a really good team. We did come back with 2 touchdowns towards the end and the final score was 26 to 12. The boys took it really well. I think the coach was more upset than they were!

Afterwards they had a pizza party at the Knights of Columbus which was a wonderful idea. The players, cheerleaders and parents were all invited and you should have seen the dancing going on! It was a riot. They did this circle thing where someone would get in the middle and they all clapped and said "Hey Matthew" "Hey WHAT" "Hey Matthew" "Hey What"... "Rock the boat" then they did this little dance and that kid would have to go in.. We were all hysterical watching! I'm glad the season is OVER!! I will have some great shots pretty soon that my sister-in-law took for me. Had to take the memory card to Walmart to make a disc.

Next week is basketball.. and so it goes.....

Thursday, November 08, 2007


So, I'm going out for Thai food tonight with Bill after we drop Matt off at Football practice...I don't know what to get.

Update: I had Chicken Pad Thai (because I had no clue what else to get) and Bill had beef with ginger sauce which was yummy. I had some of his SPICY soup which would knock a cold on its u-know-what! We also each had a thai beer that tasted suspiciously like Amstel light. It was fun. We are going to try different things on that menu.. I'll report which ones are favorites of mine.

Great Grandparents

I woke up this morning to these images looking back at me from my e-mail.... Let me tell you... it felt good! My parents made it to California to meet their very first great grandchild. I can really see the love on their faces and I'm so glad they were able to go. This little baby is bringing everyone lots of joy!!

Have a great day! We are almost to the long weekend. I have to confess that Bill and I put the heat in our room on 63 to warm up before we went to bed. Our bathroom and closet are built over the garage so it gets cold up there!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Whoops.. It's November!

I can't believe we already in the first week! Time is really flying by. Here are a few pictures of Halloween night. Our neighbors always have the kids at their house for a few party games and some steamed hot dogs and chips before they rush out for their treats. Then the moms stay and have a glass of wine or some hot cider while the dads take the kiddies around. Matt had a friend come to our neighborhood this year and afterwards he said "this is the most candy I have gotten in my whole life!!" They were loaded! Billy went to one of his friends this year.. It was weird. His first year away from us...but he had fun and was home by 9:00 with lots of candy and a big smile on his face! I love that he is still trick or treating at his age... I think I was hanging out in the woods with my friends at that point.. yikes!!! (city kid that I was!)

In sporting news.... Matt's team has won the playoff game and we are going to the SUPERBOWL next week!!! WHOOOO HOOOOOOO!!! It was the most exciting youth sports game I have ever seen. They won a touchdown in overtime. Because they were tied they had to do a coin toss and then each team had a chance to get a touchdown from the 10 yard line... It was nerve wracking. I'm really happy for them.. the other boys were crying. It was so sad :( This team we play next week is really good so it will be a tough call. I will be happy to have football practice end and also to get a few weekends free before basketball starts.

Work is good.. just so busy. The days and weeks go really fast and because I'm running around so much I am totally happy just to hang at home on the weekend.

Mom and Dad are flying to CA today to meet their great grandson!!! I can't wait to see pictures. Dad is having a biopsy in early December because of the growning tumors, but we are taking things one day at a time.. and he told my mother that he wants a good Christmas this year. We will be sure to give him the best one yet! Great to "talk" to y'all...