So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday Nights...

I have seen the future.. and it will involve lots of picking up children later in the evening.

When I was really young, I loved Friday nights because I got to stay up later and looked forward to Saturday morning cartoons.

Then I had friends, and Friday nights meant BIG plans with the neighborhood friends.

I got older, and Friday nights were for dressing up and maybe going out dancing with girlfriends, or to dinner and a movie with my boyfriend.

Then I grew up and Friday nights meant the week was over and I could relax and sleep in on Saturday.

Then I had kids and Friday nights meant Bill didn't have to get up the next day and could share nighttime duty with me.

Then the kids grew older and Friday nights meant family movie or game nights.

Now the kids are teens and tweens and Friday nights mean that they have plans with friends, or basketball practice and I (we) have to sit in the house in between dropping them off and picking them up. Friday nights mean I have to wait until 10 o'clock before I can put my pajamas on and settle in for the night.

What is Friday night going to mean when they are driving and out on their own?

Well, at least I can still sleep late on Saturday. Although I no longer like cartoons. :)


  • At 6:59 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Karen, it's funny how things change! At least you get to sleep in!!! Hope you are enjoying the holiday season!

  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    Very funny, Mrs. T! And, thanks for the warning! : )

  • At 6:51 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Friday nights will be spent staying up until curfew (if you're lucky)...listening for the car, or the jingle of keys at the door.


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