So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I'm sure you have all been reading about the fires in California. Well, Jessica, Kenny and Nathan have been evacuated. They are staying in a hotel for now in downtown San Diego, near the airport. I haven't talked to her but my sister said they are fine, just nervous. My niece Kara flew out last night and will hole up in the hotel with them. This was a scheduled visit and she found out about the evacuation last minute but decided to go and be with her sister. I hope they get these fires under control.. this is really scary. Poor Jess... My Uncle Arthur has offered the use of his home (he also lives in San Diego but further away) so if they can't get back home soon then I hope they go to his house. My sister and brother in law are supposed to be flying out Friday for a visit with the baby so at least they will all be together.. I'll keep you posted..


  • At 5:29 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Wow...when we saw this this morning, we thought of Jess. It looks very scary and conditions don't look to be improving with the Santa Ana's.
    Prayers for the Lang's!

  • At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was goin to e-mail you and ask you if it was near them....I tought about what was said on the news and remmeber her saying she was really close to Lego Land and that land mark was said to be affected. I am glad that they will have family to be with. Prayers to all of them and all of CA.......Stephie


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