So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, September 14, 2007

Strange Dream

Ok all you dream interpreters. I have had this dream twice now and it is rather disturbing. Hope I don't gross you out..

I dream that the bottom of my foot has a huge wound. and in my dreams I was hearing the words necrosis (which is probably from work) but why do I have this necrotic wound in my foot?



  • At 7:35 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    holistically, your feet have to do with understanding and stability....(standing on your own two feet type thing....) could this be that you're having insecurities or a lack or understanding for you new job and its processes (including WHY it took them so long to get you started)?

    p.s. nathan got a tooth yesterday...poor baby!

  • At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    read this online.........

    Becoming incapacitated by injury during a dream is fairly common, especially if you perceive yourself as operating out of a power deficit in waking life. Many times, people feel as though advantages lie outside themselves or with others, and see themselves as "handicapped."

    The cause of the injury (means and inflictor) tells a lot about the significance of the injury as a dream symbol. If the wound is self inflicted or accidental, there may be a sense in which you are tripping yourself up by engaging in self-defeating behaviors. If the wound is inflicted by someone else and is intentional and malicious, others may be preventing you from reaching your potential. Of course the wound, its care, and the consequences from it also mean much. If you continue dreaming after the wound occurs, what are you unable to do that is normally classified as an "essential" activity?

    Are you able to repel the attacker and treat the wound successfully?

  • At 9:15 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Wow.. It's definitely not self inflicted but no-one hurt me either. Just in the dream I saw the bottom of my foot almost like it was someone elses foot, and it was deteriorating or something.. Hmmm I'll have to think about this one.. And it was only one foot.

    Jess, I knew he would get a tooth! He must be drooling up a storm, can you open his mouth and get a picture of the little pearly nub for us? Record this in his baby book. My boys got teeth early too! yay Nathan!

  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    I'll have to ponder this for a while...

  • At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    NECTROIC>>>>I don't know what that is....sorry not on hospital terms....Karen?
    And I have a really cool dream dook I got in Lake Placid 2 years ago....I keep it in my nightstand...Like Jess said dreams of feet are insecurities. Also said that oversized feet means you are trying to compensate for something??? Was the wound oversized? or the foot...Stephie

  • At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awesome about baby Nathans tooth...seems like he was just born...My how the time has flown.....Stephie

  • At 6:31 AM, Blogger Drew said… it is:
    Life is hard, right? And we look at people with disabilities and say to ourselves, wow...for them, it's enough just to get through the day. Just getting to work...or going food shopping. Maybe in your subconcious, if you had a foot injury and needed say, a peg leg, people would feel lke even your simplest actions were enough. In real life, we work so hard to impress people and make the cut. Maybe your dream was about a wish to escape from that pressure?

    Later, Pegleg!

  • At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    so what was the N word that I spelt wrong? I guess Drew has a good point there.
    Ryan just came from his friends house whos dad has one leg, sometimes he does not wear his prostetic one b/c it hurts more on that not..He is a one legged golfer/goalie coach at Lacross AND snow skier and he even mountain climed. He does more with one leg than most with two. He takes his disablity with humor and jokes about it, keeps it light hearted. Weird to see him swim too....Stephie

  • At 9:17 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    I had to look up necrosis on - sounds like everyone's advice makes sense... you got the job? How's it going? I have a neighbor with one leg also, you'd never know it though!

  • At 9:09 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Necrosis means death of areas of tissue or bone surrounded by healthy parts.. gross...

    I haven't dreamed it since..

    I haven't started my new job yet because we just got the voice recognition system in and I've been learning that. But the girls from my new job had a pizza/wine/salad party for me and they gave me flowers and champagne.. You can tell why I want to work with them.. they are so nice :) Thanks for all the interpretations... signed.. girl with rotting foot.

  • At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for the defntn.
    That sounds like a nice bunch of gals to be working with. How welcoming and friendly to through the party. Surly you deserve it and I hope are very happy there. So at this point are you still working from home? Stephie

  • At 7:14 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Congrats on the job - sounds like a great group - what happened to the "other" applicant?

  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Dawn, the other "applicant" withdrew!!! yeehoo!


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