So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Uncle Danny

I'm driving to Boston to go to a memorial mass for my Uncle Danny today. I should say ex-Uncle Danny, because he and my aunt have been divorced for about forever now and he's been living in Virginia so I haven't seen him for eons. But I remember...

He was a really, really cool Uncle to a little girl. He was very handsome and always tanned. He had really thick dark hair that looked like a 50's hairdo. He drove a big Chevy Van when he wasn't driving his truck. He had false teeth early and would always stick them out at me to make me laugh. He called me beautiful way back when I surely wasn't even cute, with one eyebrow and braces. Without fail, everytime he saw me, he handed me a dime and told me to put it in my pocket in case I needed to make a phone call. He was so much fun. He drank cans of Schlitz beer and wore blue jeans.

I'm not sure what went wrong in their marriage and I really don't want to know. But I'll remember Uncle Danny fondly and I'm glad he was part of my life.


  • At 8:30 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    This was the coolest, most non-judgmental umm...what's the word? Review? No...Eulogy? but it's something that I've struggled with. When you said that you didn't know what went wrong with their marriage and you don't want to know...I just think that's a really wise way of looking at him. Excellent post...sneaky deep you are, Miss. (now I'm talking like Yoda?)

  • At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is so sweet that you have fond memories of him.......Cute about the dime Now you could NOT make a ten cent phone call......Stephie

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    that was really sweet auntie...i only met him a few times i think because they were divorced when i was a baby, but i saw him when we visited debbie in virginia. anyway, what a sad month, debbie's anniversary of her passing, danny died only a couple of days before it and steven's birthday is next week.

  • At 4:50 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Drew, Now I'll be talking like Yoda all day.. Talking like Yoda I am.

    Jess, it was bittersweet. So great to see young Danny with his act together and successful with a great wife and beautiful baby.. He was very appreciative of everyone that came and your father did a great job at the mass and everything. All five Feloni siblings were there for the mass which I thought was really nice. Then Aunt Mary had a get-together back at her house. We were all pretty close to the Sheas growing up and now that Danny really has no family except his mother, he was moved to see some of his cousins there.

  • At 5:35 AM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Karen, I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your Uncle Danny... glad you have some fond memories. I think that's funny about the dimes.


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