So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sentimental Hygiene

I love my dental hygienist! Tonight Billy had to come with me because we went to Matt's open house at the Intermediate School at 4:30, had to drop Matt off at Football by 5:00 and be at the dentist by 5:15.. so no time to drop him off. But Kristin loves Billy and told him to come upstairs into the room with us where he pretty much made her laugh the whole time while I had my mouth wide open and was convulsing on spit. She has two little boys, Bryson and Cameron, who are her whole world. When I meet someone like that, who is such a good mom, my faith kind of gets restored that there actually might be a generation of kids who have loving families. So.. after a long and hectic day, I'm happy to be sitting here waiting for my ritz cracker fish to cook and drinking an Amstel Light with my nice, clean shiny teeth and a little smile in my heart.


  • At 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Billy sounds like some day he will entertain the
    Clean teeth are A + in my book. That is awesome to hear of loving people that are raising our future.......Hows the new job? lots to do and little time to do it?
    Hope all is well and keep watching BB......
    SO cute that Eric finnalllly kisses he DOES got Stephie

  • At 5:58 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    You know Karen, I read your post this morning before I went to work and now I'm here at work, and I'm thinking you're right. I know I may be coming from a more conservative perspective, but I think we agree on a lot regarding family, and raising kids, and trying to do the right thing etc. Anyway...Andy (9) got a party invite in the mail. It's a movie party this Friday...his friend is 8, and turning 9. The movie is "Rush Hour 3" We've never seen the Rush Hour movies for some reason (we see everything else!) but I know it stars Jackie Chan and that Eddie Murphy type guy. So Nancy and I were thinking: hmm...that's kind of a weird movie for an 8 yr old. What about Ratatouille, or Mr. Bean, or even the Simpsons? Anyway, I went online and read a review from this site I trust. So, it turns out that we're not going to let Andy see the movie. I told Nancy that when she calls, she should tell the mom why we don't want him to see it. She wants to just say he can't make it. I told her not to be insulting or anything...just say that "Andrew read the reviews and doesn't really want Andy seeing it" It's cool if she puts it on me...anyway, what do you guys think?

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Here's parts of the review from "Plugged In"

    As Carter wanders around backstage at a French night club, we see a number of women in various stages of undress (from brief panties, bra and garters to topless with well-placed beads). He pretends to be a costume designer and forces women in a dressing room to take off everything but their g-strings, then line up in front of him so that he can "examine" them. He does so, and comments on their "assets." (The camera lingers behind the group.)
    Carter makes quite a few suggestive—and crude—sexual comments throughout the film. When a French cab driver approaches his wife with a secret, she immediately asks if he's gay. Carter wonders if a bald woman is really a man and wants Lee to check her "equipment."

    So...I'm probably prudish and old fashioned, but why do we have to rush our kids to sophistcation? They're only 8 and 9!!!

  • At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Drew, read your blog about movies for kids and totally agree with you. I went to see Blades of glory with Will Ferrell as I thought he was good in "Elf" and was thrown for a loop at the inappropriate language and content of what could have been a funny tale. Good for you that your son will not be exposed to garbage. We were taught as kids that if you put garbage in = eventually garbage will out. Karen's mom

  • At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I could not agree with you more...I could see if these kids were at least 5 years older and even then I would think twice....
    Nan should say that to let the mom know that not all parents just let them see whatever...When we took Rys friends to a movie it was Stewart Little II and he was that age...yes a clean cute kid movie....WHat the heck with these people......

  • At 2:03 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Good for you Drew!!! I'm just at the point with both of mine that we see PG-13 which can be so over the top..although we did let Matt see the original Bad News Bears with Walter Mattheau.. I forgot how much swearing etc. but it is still cleaner than what we see today. When Billy turned 13 I took a bunch of his friends to the movies and asked every parent if it was OK for them to see it..I was even a little suprised at the content of the movie. .It's so easy to give in and and just be "whatever".. but at 8 years old, you are not even near that fuzzy line.. So hold onto those values.. that's why you have such a nice family. It gets tougher to say no when they are 14 and are already exposed to these things and once you give in its like you can't go back..

  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Oh, BTW, I always read "Mom's movie review" which is on Yahoo Movies..She gives them a grade and an age group and tells of things that you might want to discuss with the kids before/after the movie.

    My problem now is no so much movies, its something called Family Guy.. which Billy thinks is hilarious but I haven't had any time to sit and see it.. anyone?

  • At 6:15 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Thanks, Mrs. Karen's Mom! I appreciate your words. I know that if my mom were still around, she'd be saying the same thing to me. Some people I talk to think I'm Amish or something. But Krissy, (who turns 20 in Nov.) agreed with, I think we did the right thing.
    Family Guy is super raunchy. It's funny when it parody's TV and movies, but goes so far over the line it isn't funny.

  • At 4:19 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Uh, oh.. super raunchy.. no wonder it appeals to a 14 year old with a twisted sense of humor.. cutting out Family Guy! Thanks...


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