So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Union Blues.. Chapter 2

Well, backstabbing co-worker has resigned from the position after spending the afternoon by herself in the busy, busy office on Friday. I finally saw her on Monday and asked if we could talk for a minute. She was ready to pretend nothing happend..Usually I say What the Heck, but I'm tempted to say something else!

Anyway, I calmly explained that I was not upset that she put in a bid for the position. It is fair game for everyone, but I was upset that she didn't at least shoot me off an e-mail or give me a phone call so I would have a heads up when I was told by my boss. (Actually I was having a hard time breathing while explaining all this, confrontation is not my favorite thing, but it was necessary while I will be working with this girl).. She apologized numerous times and said she couldn't believe she did it, she was "egged on" by other employees who told her the hours were perfect, etc. etc. She also brought up the fact that once I got a Title I job with the school that she had applied for and never got hired because the principal couldn't stand her.. Ahem, what does that have to do with anything? I listened politely and said I was sorry that she felt that way.. and we made nice and its all good. Will I trust her again or even really want to be her friend? No. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I will never be mean, but I will not seek her out.

SO for chaper 2, there is one other contender with three months more seniority than me. This is such a frustrating thing. I'm working from home this week because I'm not going to keep going in there and doing a job that might not be mine. In the meantime, the principal of the Elementary School called my cell phone yesterday and offered me a Kindergarten Aide position. Flattering, but I would rather the mammo job.. more money more hours... So keep your collective fingers crossed for me, because I'm becoming rather cross about this whole situation!

UPDATE: The job is mine! I just got a conference call from my boss and supervisor. The other girl did not pass her competencies! YAHOO! I have to take a tyig test (which will be a breeze) and customer service test (?) and a basic medical terminology test which everyone passes (yikes) and I start MONDAY.. Here goes the busy life that I was asking for. but I'm really happy!


  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    good for you auntie!!!!!! i hate confrontation too, but it feels good after that you got it off your can always just have norma OFF that other contender....isn't Billy sicilian, doesn't he know people that can take care of

  • At 9:00 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    GOOD 4 U TO let it out......I am glad u got to say ur peace and u r a good person to not be mean but to let it be once u did what u had 2 do. I WANT THE K aide I know it sounds like mamo is more casho but the K kids r so sweet...BUT there is always one that is a Always one in the croud......You know what I Good luck and fingers are crossed.....

  • At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 4:49 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    oh my God! yayayayayay!!!!!!!

  • At 8:36 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    I just had a feeling it would end this way. Good for you, Karen!


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