So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mini vacation

We spent a few days before the weekend down on the very tip of Cape Cod in Truro. We've stayed here a few times before and it is always fun and relaxing. It's called Horizon Beach Hotel and we got a room with 2 doubles and a kitchen with a little balcony that overlooks the ocean across the street.

We arrived in the rain, but it didn't stop us and off to Provincetown we went to walk all around the streets. We ate indoors because of the downpours and it was the best clam roll ever! We spent the next bright and sunny day hopping from the pool to the beach and later in the day we went back to P-town and climbed the tower (I think it is 252 feet high) and then headed to pizza joint called Spiritus which was featured in July's issue of Rachel Ray magazine. It was outstanding with a nice thin crispy crust. After this we headed to Ben and Jerry's ice cream to top it all off! I waddled home where I watched Big Brother while the guys went back to the beach to throw the football around. It was a wonderful mini break away from life where we could enjoy sun and sand and a fabulous place for people watching!


  • At 4:38 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen, I always love your pictures.
    Is Cape Cod a crazy-long drive for you guys? Was it expensive? That's something Nancy and I always wanted to do...the Cape.
    We went to the ocean today. When we got there, Kels slammed her finger in the car door :( Like...all the was closed. Poor thing. So we got ice on it and I stayed in the water (still cold) with her 'til it got numb. We ended up staying in the water the entire day! Nice wave and we threw a football around. So...I be tired. I didn't bring the camera because I'm a lazy bast. But I'll start doing that again. Did you see my facebook profile? We had a dinner in NYC with Newt Gingrich. He was an awesome speaker.

  • At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aesome pics, souunds like u had lots o fun....
    Drew they live like maybe 40 mins from CC......It takes us 2 hours ugh...I used to live near there and in the winter it is a ghost town...never again ./...;p; Glad to see u got to get away .....Stephie

  • At 7:23 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    we used to go to spiritus all the time. the first time we went we all played bocci in the back and then some big crazy dog was growling at us so after that time we just stayed in the restaurant....great pizza!

    looks beautiful at the beach, you have that look of vacation on your face....looks relaxing!

  • At 4:31 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Drew, it took us about an hour and half because of the traffic, but I can be on the lower cape (Sandwich, Mashpee, Falmouth area) in less than an hour. We love the cape and are lucky that we can take day trips. There are some wonderful bike trails that I haven't had time to do.. and even in the rain you can manage to have fun. Your kids would love it.. pretty much any part of the cape. We like Truro because its so far out there and very quiet. We usually hit the drive in but it was Harry Potter which Billy already saw and Matthew has no desire to see! Maybe next year...

  • At 12:07 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    There aren't any drive-in's on Long Island anymore. I miss those.
    We book Bar Harbor, Maine for August. Or should I say: Bah Habah ;-)

  • At 2:53 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Bah habah should be great! The very best seafood and lobstah! We're going to Wells Beach, ME in August. Bill has a friend with a house right on the beach and he is doing his annual Thanksgivin in July with all his neighbors.. I love Thanksgiving dinner! I guess he rents grills and does about 11 turkeys on the rotiserrie.. should be interesting.. why does everything in my life involve food?

  • At 9:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Looks like a fun time!


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