So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

It's a Marky Mark week....

I just watched two movies with Mark Wahlberg in them (from the library of course!)

The first one was Four Brothers, about four adopted (2 black, 2 white) brothers that come together after the death of their Irish mother. It was really good! I watched it all by myself and although there was definitely violence, and it was far fetched (as most movies are), I really enjoyed it! Marky Mark has come a long way since the days of his boy band whose name escapes me at this moment (although I know Jessica will be yelling it out loud since she was a HUGE fan and her parents took her to the concert!)

The second one which we watched last night was The Italian Job. Another far fetched but great movie! Check it out.. although you all probably already saw it since I think its old. I loved the scenes from Italy and Bill liked it too even though I had to keep poking him to wake him up. He gets up too early! I did see another one of his where he played a character named Dirk Diggler, but we won't talk about that. This is a family post :)


  • At 11:14 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    okay....Mark Whalberg is soooooooo hot...i used to have his picture on my closet door when he was a CK underwear band was Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch...but his brother was in New Kids on the Block....and yes I was a huge mother is friends with Joey McIntyre's sister and has gone to see him in concert a couple of times. one time i was walking down Washington St in West Roxbury and Joey McIntyre drove by in a convertible and honked at me and my friend...hehehehe....and of course I met him when I was 12 at a CM hockey game, he was there singing the National Anthem and kara and i were there with the O'Connor's and got his autograph and photos with him.

    anyway, i rented 4 brothers one time and i never got around to watching it. Boogie that is a movie! hehehehehe....oh and he was awesome in FEAR with Reese Witherspoon.

  • At 1:04 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Oh, FEAR was awesome.. He really is a good actor, especially when he acts like a punk (because I think he really was a punk back in his Dot Rat (That's Dorchester Rat) for you non-Bostonians...

  • At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    LOL LOL LOL MARKY MARK>>>>He was so cheezzzyy back then...Now he really can true K about him being a Dot Rat I don't think I want o tknow about the Dirk movie do I....Funny once we watched American Pie 1,2, & 3 when the kids went to bed and we were like oh my...then I made him watch Band Camp and he was like what is with you wanting to watch such ronchy He does not like comedy so I think that was half the problem....Stiflers Stephie

  • At 8:39 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I saw The Italian Job. I love those Mini Coopers!

    Dirk who...?


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