So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, July 02, 2007

Sweet July

My favorite month of the year! Think cookouts, hot lazy days, swimming at the beach, ice cream cones, watermelon, s'mores, ice-tea and cold lemonade white sitting on the porch, green grass and blue skies.. what more could you ask for?

This is my birthday month and my parent's anniversary which always meant parties at our house when I was growing up... tons of cousins over, swimming in the pool, trips to Old Siver Beach, and lots and lots of popsicles! Hot sidewalks and stubbed toes, going into the cellar to get out of the heat, staying out all day, coming home for dinner and going right back out again! Playing till we were exhausted and filthy and coming home for a bath and to watch a show down the basement. Summer was endless back then and July was a month for slowing down and playing, sometimes being as bored as can be and searching for something to do... I hope everyone can slow down a little bit this month, sip some lemonade and enjoy July as it was meant to be!


  • At 7:37 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Great post. You inspired me today, Karen. Thanks!

  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i have no problem with slowing down this

    oh the memories of 42 Cornell St in July! making whirlpools and whipping the tennis ball off the side of the house. billy and michael making me go over the fence behind us to retrieve lost tennis balls (even when there was a big DOG in the yard....) lololol.....

  • At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    U made me go back to a differnt time and place...ah those memories of summers past........Stephie
    BTW Happy B-day and A-day to you and ur parents....


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