So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, August 10, 2007

Off to the beach...

We are heading up to Wells, ME today to spend the weekend with friends who have a house right on the beach. It is a really beautiful beach and stretches for miles. I got a call yesterday from Barb who wanted a head count on who wants lobster and steamers tonight and how many each! Bill will be in heaven. None of us eat steamers..I don't know why. But Bill and Matt both want lobster. There also will be clam chower, burgers and dogs and corn on the cob right on their back patio overlooking the beach. Mark always has a bonfire at night and all the kids are playing football or running around on the beach while we have a couple drinks. Its really nice.

Tomorrow I'm told I will be peeling potatoes. 15 pounds of potatoes to be exact! They have an annual Thanksgiving in July party at their house and this will be our first time in attendance. He rented a huge grill, big enough to do 10 turkeys and is getting a tent with chairs in case of rain. These people sure know how to live. They are very relaxed and gracious and love to entertain. Should be a fun weekend! I need to stay home and clean and organize one of these days.. Maybe next weekend :)


  • At 6:16 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    There will always be time to clean! But weekends like these will stay in your kids' memories the rest of their days. So don't think about cleaning...just enjoy your family! ..and TAKE PICS! Have a fun/safe weekend.

  • At 6:35 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks for permission to slack.. Of course you are right!

  • At 8:04 AM, Blogger Dawn said…

    I agree with Drew! Your kids will have an awesome time. I must admit, I'm jealous! Have a great time, have some lobster for me. I'll take your steamers if you don't want them.

  • At 10:25 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    am I the only one?
    I think so
    Have fun Karen!

  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Mel...come up to Maine with us next weekend??? We can all crash in our hotel, and hit the beaches and lakes by day! Anne's coming down from Bangor for 1 day and my brother is another day. C'mon you know we'd have a blast.
    Guys...when Pete and Mel were on the Island, we would all go to the beach every Sunday night. Those were the best times. There were like a million kids running around!

  • At 7:50 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Have a great time,,,,,,sounds like good times with some really great people....Enjoy....and coming from is good but memories and having fun so much
    ME is a really fun place to vacation at,,,,would not want to live there but want a summer place at Sebago Lake soooo
    Drew hope ur crew also has an awesome funny if Pete and Mels went to ...but THE Sme room...THATS BREAKING THE OVER CAPASITY LAW...LOL LOL

  • At 8:30 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    I love MAINE! A place on Lake Sebago would rock.

  • At 4:25 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Hey, when we go to these places we bring out 2(wink wink)kids! Places always want you to get 2 rooms when you have 5 kids. Am I going to buy an extra room and sleep in a different room as my kids? I think NOT! When we get together with the N's..(pete and mel)our kids are like brothers and sisters.(without the fighting!)


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