So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Who said the livin is easy?

Summertime.. and the livin is BUSY!!!!! (hope you are all humming that tune in a blues like voice) It seems like the summer is flying by. Football camp started last night and Matt is about a head taller than most of the Pee Wees. He is having fun and the drive and determination I'm seeing in him this year is awesome. He wants it bad this year! I hope we have a great season. His braces were red and black this time for his team colors.. cool.

I'm still working in Mammography and you wouldn't believe how busy it is in that department. My days pretty much fly by and the people I work with are just great. The crazy girl is in transcription and actually I have much more patience with her now that I'm not seeing her as much. I'm trying to be kind...

I did a tent function at the hall where I have been doing some work with my friend and it was actually a blast. Serving is not something I have ever in my life done and this was an open bar, outside overlooking this gorgeous lake. I was mostly a cocktail waitress balancing frozen mudslides and malibu baybreezes in between coronas with lime...Good thing it was open bar so I didn't have to remember money. I made about 40 dollars in tips and walked about a hundred miles that night! I'm putting this money aside for my cruise fund for my in-laws 50th anniversary next year. I actually like busting my butt, who knew? I always thought I was the lazy type (hahaha)...Anyway...been very busy so sorry I haven't been popping into people's blogs. Happy to see our friend Drew is back.. We missed him and all his infinite wisdom! Happy Tuesday, ya'll....

p.s. Has anyone checked out the new show Damages.. It's really good..


  • At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Whoa......u go w/the trays of They would be on the guests.....u r one busy bee. sounds like u r not at all a slacker.....not one bit.....Stephie

  • At 9:31 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Mud Slides? Count Nancy in! That's her favorite.
    Krissy is doing a catering gig with my cousin this weekend. She loves it and it's good cold ca$h.
    This is a busy summer, Karen. But things are about to get a whole lot slower. Mercifully, my baseball season finishes on Thursday, Andy's baseball finishes on Saturday, and Kels and Andy finished basketball last night. I want them to have nothing to do for a while. Lay in the hammock and read. Make some mud pies with Rory and hop in the pool. Tommy was making plans for a Lemonade Stand this morning. I love laying in the hammock...I fall asleep so easily on there. There's something about the warm breeze, the cicada buzzing the birds chirping...makes me dizzy and sleepy. Maybe it's some enchantment from the trees? Whatever it is, it's a wonderful feeling. Or maybe it's Nancy's mudslides?!!

  • At 8:55 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Sounds like you are having a busy summer. I've done some banquet/funtion serving and it's great when you don't have to worry about cash!

  • At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Birthday to my favorite godson, Billy!

  • At 6:17 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I haven't heard of Damages. What channel and what's the premise?

  • At 6:34 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Damages is on FX and it has Glen Close, Ted Danson and a bunch of other actors. It's about lawyers, murder and betrayal (all great things, huh?) but it almost reminds me of the movie "The Firm". Lots of behind the scenes things going on.. It's good. I also heard that "Saving Grace" with Holly Hunter was good, but I haven't caught that yet..


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