So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Billy!!!!!

14 years old today! We had a great day. Bill and I gave him money for this birthday this year and I took the day off and we spent it shopping. First we went to Kohl's where he got lots of great things for back to school.. A bargain hunter like his mother, he shopped the sale racks! Then off to Target for the third season of That 70s Show.. and then to his favorite bookstore in Duxbury, called Westwinds, where he found the third book in fantasy trilogy that he is reading. (Also I got to browse this pretty gift store and pick up a hostess gift for our friends in Maine). Then we stopped at French Memories bakery where I bought two baguettes to go with our dinner of I'm sure you can all guess because that's all I have been cooking lately.. yes eggplant parm. But I also make a lasagne too. Both sets of grandparents came over and my nephew Kevin stopped to eat before his Marine physical training...He asked for a strawberry cake with buttercream frosting and vanilla ice cream with butterscotch sauce. The streamer fairy (me) stayed up until past midnight to hang bright green streamers on his door. It's tough when they stay up later! Brings back memories of when he was little and would whoosh whoosh through the streamers with a big smile on his face. This boy is a delight to all who know him. If there were more Billy's in the world, it would be a better place!


  • At 9:30 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Wow, he's a handsome guy. Sounds like a great day together!

  • At 6:07 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Happy Birthday to Billy. Sounds like you guys are doing a great job with him. I hear so many parents of kids that age who do nothing but complain about them. I can't relate to that either. You're a great mom!
    (what's the book trilogy?)

  • At 6:16 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Drew, Its by John Flanagan.

    Book one is The Ruins of Gorlan

    Book two is The Burning Bridge

    and Book three is Ranger's apprentice: the icebound land. I havent' read any of them but he loves them! They are from the youth section.

    Any yes, not a single solitary complaint so far... this kid does laundry, dishes, helps anyone with anything and all with a smile and a hug... Thanks for the compliment!!

  • At 2:49 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    He looks so happy blowing out his candels.....Such a nice kid, both of them ....Yes it is so hard to hear when parents say they wish the kids would get past this age..I am like why....I guess with our attention and blessings we can not complain either. Happy 14th....How weird is it Karen to say that huh! It was just yesterday they were babies....Time flies......

  • At 4:52 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    That's my boy! Happy Birthday, Billy!

  • At 10:54 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    look at those 3 handsome hunks! we have such an attractive family...i'm so glad i could add to it...hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

    seriously, billy is HOT! out Kingston here comes Billy T!!!!!!!!! all the seniors are going to want to date him!!!!!!!!!


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