So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

They smile in your face..

all the time they're gonna take your place.. the backstabbers (backstabbers)

Ok.. here's the scoop. You all know I mentioned working in a new department. The people in that department called me personally saying we want you for this job. Even though its union, they were sincerely hoping that my bid would get me in. In the meantime, a certain co-worker of mine, who has her house on the market and plans to move to NC (ahem, Norma you know who this is) asks to train per diem in this department while I am filling in. My supervisor who is thinking we could use someone else if either Jen or I is out, said yes, she can shadow me. I have known this woman for 14 years, met her in childbirth class with Billy and I am friendly with her. I've been to her house, she's been to mine,, etc. So anyway, over to the department she comes (remember I have only been doing this job for two weeks) and I am to show her the ropes. I take meticulous notes and she asked if she could look at my notes.. of course, says I. She then proceeds to photocopy my notes. Ok..weird, I'm thinking, but ok... I take her to the reading room and stand over her shoulder while she is hanging films, encouraging and praising her. I asked her why she wanted to take this on per diem when she had so much going on in her life.. well, she tells me, when I apply at a hospital in NC, I will be that much more valuable.. blah, blah, blah... and we're happily chatting and being very friendly. My supervisor thinks I'm a shoe in for the job. OK, I get to work on Monday and find out that while I was in Maine last week, said co-worker put a bid in FOR MY JOB!!!!!! She waited til I left and she knows she has more seniority than me.. My boss, my supervisor and all my co-workers were floored!!! No-one saw this coming. I was so hurt that she didn't tell me.. I know its fair game. .Its union and all but friends, she duped me, and bad. I've made peace with it and hope she gets the job and falls flat on her face. I'm not being mean, even if she just told me I would have been sad, but I would've dealt with it. But she seriously used me.. and my notes. So lesson learned is that I'm not going to be so nice anymore. I'd love your thoughts and to know if I'm being a baby. :) I also think its kind of selfish to take a position and not know when your house is going to sell. The other thing is she gets as many hours as she wants per diem and is covered under her husbands health insurance.. anything else?


  • At 5:28 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    Whoa! Karen, are you serious? It's always the quiet little librarian looking ones who turn out to be the big sneaks, eh? What came of her teaching job? You guys were CLOSE...that is really sad! You want me to go after her? 'Cause I will!

  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Yeah Norma, get someone from Eastie to come over and knock her in the knees or something..Just maybe maim her a bit..

  • At 5:47 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Wow! That's so blatant!! Have you spoken to this shrew yet? Has she faced you and backpeddled and hemmed and hawed? If everyone knows this about her, plus the fact that she's leaving, why on earth would they hire her? Is that a union thing? I'm a Deputy Commissioner in my dept. and that's called an 'ordinance' position. Besides the Commish, everyone else is union. So I catch all kinds of attitude from the union folks. My attitude is: 'hey, you guys can't get fired...calm down' Manwhile, I serve at the pleasure of the County Executive and can be let go anytime. So this union stuff can get wierd. That said: what do you do about this? I say, do nothing. If anyone asks about her notes, you can mention that she photocopied yours. But I would just be Karen. Be helpful and cheerful and be what I call a "happy idiot" Pretend you know nada. She'll get hers. Don't lower yourself. Be Karen.
    If that doesn't work out, tell me where you work and I'll drive by and Nancy will get her with her door!

  • At 5:49 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Gilooly anyone?

  • At 5:57 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    No Drew. I haven't talked to her. I was planning on telling her that I was hurt that she did'nt tell me she was going to I said fair game. I will be pleasant, but I don't think I can fake being nice to her.. I have a hard time faking... It's hard to pretend to know nothing because everyone in the department knows the situation.. its a small place and you know that women have big mouths.. :) Bill was actually much more charitable than I was when I called to tell him.. He said maybe something is going on in her life right now and she desperately needs hours. I guess I was probably even more hurt than mad. But thanks for reminding me who I am. I kinda forgot for a minute.

  • At 5:57 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Who's Gilooly? I knew a Ron Gilooly once?

  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Gilooly was Tanya Hardings boyfriend (or were they married?) that came up with the plan to hire that goon to hit Nancy Kerrigan in the shins with that baton. They referenced it in a Seinfeld episond so I didn't think it was that obscure.

    oh..I love that O'Jay's song!

  • At 6:16 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Oh yeah! I know Gilooly.. what a doofus!

  • At 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is so selfish of her....I hope the hospital sees that see may be moving soon and say why hire her then have to look again in a bit....Why would she be such a backstaber to someone as nice and as sweet as you. I don't blame you for being extremly put off by her. SO RUDE> How can she live with herself and go to work and face the others knowing she "screwed" you over. I HOPE they pass her up on it or has it been announced that she has it yet? Tell them U HAVE IT b/c Stephie said for the Eastie thing ....Normie can so get someone for the just as Nancy GIOLLY her ass....I hope u can look back on this and say "mearly just a steppin stone" Stephie

  • At 12:23 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks Stephie!

  • At 4:17 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    Normie would actually prefer to do the job herself. My parents didn't get to be millionaires by hiring hitmen. ; )


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