So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thanksgiving in August... :)

We had the best time in Maine! Hope you enjoy the pictures..Friday night Mark got lobsters and steamers for all who wanted them. From what I'm told, there's nothing in the world like Maine lobster! I had to settle for a hot dog and some corn on the cob! We hung out on the beach all day Saturday, the weather was perfect. Around 3:30 I started peeling 15 pounds of potatoes for the turkey fest that evening. They got a tent in the yard with round tables and all of the neighbors brought a dish. They even had a whole bar set up outside. It was a blast! The only horrible part is that Billy came down with a very high fever that night. I thought it was from too much sun and kept the cloth on his forehead and gave him liquids and fever reducers but he was miserable. Almost to the point of delirium.. I was pretty scared that night. The next morning he was still not himself so we had to hit the road and when I got home and his temp was still 102 I called the doctor.. They said there was a summer virus going around with high fever and headache.. the next day he went to the doctor but he was fine by then. So hope none of you experience this virus..hope I don't get it! Anyway, work has been very stressful.. I'll tell later because I'm off to football now and a 2 mile walk to destress! Lesson learned is not to share your knowledge!!! I'll tell ya later!


  • At 3:50 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Great shots. You guys were RIGHT on the beach which is unreal! Nancy's aunt had a house on Long Beach Island, NJ which we stayed at a couple of imes. It was 1 house in from the beach but still amazing. Did you guys go in the water? I know it's pretty cold up there but the few times that we went to a place called Popham beach...we went in. Cold but great. Sorry about Billy's fever. I know there's something going aound. My guys all had sore throats and lower fevers but I think they're all better for our trip to Maine. (loe going over that green bridge--hate leaving Maine!) Not to share knowledge hmmm...can't wait for the lesson!

  • At 5:21 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    My poor pal Billy! Glad to hear he is better...that is a scary story. Did your hand cramp from peeling potatoes? : P

  • At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looks like a fun time despite being under the weather. That is so funny about all the turkeys and funny to have it in Aug...Stephie

  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Billy is much much better. My hand is fine :) It was a blast being right on the beach. They have already invited us back next year for a longer weekend, but I'm going to suggest either the last weekend in July or first week in August because it gets so busy when football starts. they are the nicest, most generous people.

    Drew, can't wait to hear and see pics about your trip too! You'll be farther up than us, right? There were a lot of french canadians on Wells and I'm told they are very rude!

  • At 5:36 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Yeah and the women don't shave their pits! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Stupid smelly rude frenchiecannuks!

    I think Bar Harbor is about 2 hours past Wells. I looked at the 7 day forecase for Maine and next week looks a little chilly. Rut Roh! We don't care though!

  • At 7:34 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Funny u say that Drew...their were TONS of French Cand. at LG I am sure b/c the border is so close by....RUDE .....and they all smoke like fiends...I have never in one place saw so many smokers and not have commom curtsy. for others while puffin....YUCK.....It was so gross......Also lots of cigar smoke....YUCK again.....
    Hope the weather stays a bit warm in Bah Habah.....


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