So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Barbie Dream House Feloni Style...

After I read our friend Normas post about Emma receiving the coolest barbie house I began to reminisce about my own barbie years.

First memory is that my friends, Kathy, Sandra and I all played barbies ALL THE TIME.. we brought them outdoors, onto porches, carries accessories, and made up the very best barbie scenarios. Its funny that we named our barbies boy names thinking that was cool then. We had Bobby barbie and Billy barbie. I always preferred the brunette barbies to the blondes. My Godmother gave me 70's Ken one year and he came with a tan leisure suite and removable sideburns. Heaven!

While I desparately wanted Barbie Dream House, as a family of 7 we probably couldn't afford it. I think I might have posted about this before, but bear with me. I got the barbie house of MY dreams because of my mother's creativity. She took an old white aluminum filing cabinet and took off the door. It had 5 stories. She got me an old wallpaper book and rug samples from a store so I could paper and rug each story separately. On the very bottom was the bathroom with the real working pink and blue barbie bubble bath tub and vanity. I had yellow shag throw rugs on the floor complete with blow dryer for the vanity. The next level up was the den where we had just some cool home-made couches and things on the wall for barbies to just hang out. Then one up was the kitchen, the was decorated with the JODY DOLL old fashioned accessories complete with little plastic brown cat for the floor and milk jugs for the cabinets. A round wooden (plastic) table was in the middle. It was probably my favorite floor. Up from that was more JODY DOLL furniture. The formal living room with purple velvet couch and piano and fake flowers and little glass decorations. The top floor was my barbie bedroom with a white and yellow canopy bed. It was very little girls dream!!! I also had the van and played in the basement "storage room" for hours upon hours. Thanks Mom for your creativity and love. It was a blast and I'll never forget those memories.


  • At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    NOW THAT IS CREATIVE>.....SO cute to think of the pieces of rug being put That must of been heavy...
    See what somethings bring back in our memories.....
    I remember when we played on my porch that on a hot summer day if you had on shorts the grey paint would stick to ur skin and we would have to peel paint chips off our legs...ewwww.....It HAD to have had lead in it b/c it was the late 70's and lead paint was still being used.....YUCK....but we still turned out I wish I kept my Barbie collection...gave them to Alison down the street......Stephie

  • At 6:26 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    Karen, that is an awesome story. Stephie, hey, the lead paint apparently did not cause us any harm! Remember James and the Wonder Woman doll and the purple velour men's robe?

  • At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes James was NOT allowed to use the cool The robe was from the Donny Osmond doll...

  • At 1:11 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    What a cool mom you have, Karen.
    Nancy bought a Barbie Dream House for her little sister years ago. Now we use it for Rory. We had a Ken Doll for Krissy but he looked really fruity! He had a glitter suit with a purple shirt so I think one of the dogs chewed him up. We just use a GI Joe doll.

  • At 5:01 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    I prefer GI Joes myself. I saved all my brother's GI Joe stuff, the binoculars and hats and little plastic grenades and stuff and just recently gave them to him.. He thought is was pretty cool. His even had the real stubble on his chin.

  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Yes! We have the GI Joe's with life-like beard and the one with kung-fu grip! Much better than Ken!! GI Joe's are like Lego--we refuse to part with them!


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