So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Itchy and Scratchy...

Billy is going to miss his second day of school. He is covered in angry red hives!! It started before bed last night and I painted him with Caladryl and a cotton ball but it was worse this morning when he woke up.. plus the fact that it is a little on his forehead is a 14 year old's worst nightmare! I called the night nurse who said I did everything right (cool shower, more Calyadryl, antihistamine) but suggested he stay home and we watch it just in case. SO.. I had to call the other girl in (who lives an hour away) to work in the Transcription Office because everyone there is out sick and I was supposed to cover. Anyone know that saying about making a plan? HA!!! Not that I'm not glad to be home, I'd just rather not be home with an itchy, scratchy kid.

Hope these go away.. maybe he can go in late!

In other words, Matt has his second scrimmage against Plymouth this afternoon! GO WARRIORS!!!!


  • At 5:49 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
    -Robert Burns

    So what caused the hives? Did you try Benedryl? (tell Billy not to operate any heavy machinery as may cause drowsiness!)

  • At 6:07 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I was out of Benedryl so I gave him a cold tablet that had antihistamine in it.. it actually did help but mother-in-law is getting me some Benedryl. I'll keep him off those tractors today.
    I'm wondering if it was a rogue strawberry.. but he's never had strawberry allergies before. In the words of Gila Radner.. "It's always something"!!! AT least I don't have toenails in my hamburger...

  • At 7:11 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    ahh Roseanne Roseannadanna. I miss Gilda. :-(

  • At 9:20 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    Ok, we get hives from cheetos, some yellow food dyes, orange juice
    and until recently strawberries!!!
    good luck!
    Hope he is OK!

  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Ooohhh, Mel.. not cheetos!!

    How do you deal with the hives?

    My mother said I used to get them all time, especially from the cold weather.. I definitely outgrew that.

    I know food allergies can erupt at any time, so I'm kinda thinking the strawberry?

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger melissa said…

    Benedryl at night only-my kids will almost pass out w/ it!
    We have some steroids for Bella-from the Dr. if it got bad (prednisone I think)
    But we'd be at the hospital if they are too bad-quarter sized all over and then face swelling-that happened from childrens motrin w/ yellow dye.
    The allergist had us keep her away from strawberries for 1-1 1/2 yrs and she can eat a few now, but gets very hyper-so I think she's still sensitive to them.
    sorry this comment is like a post!

  • At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Can hives be brought on by worry too? Or is that another type of rash? Did he eat some strawberries or food with dye in it?
    Poor kid........
    Not a great way to get a day off....huh!
    Hope he is back to his normal handson self soon....

  • At 3:17 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I don't know if they can be brought on by stress. I would think so, but he is not worried about school.. he was excited :( They are back this mornin, not half as bad, since the Benedryl wore off but I'm not going to give him one before school because of the tiredness. The nurse said for him to check in with her and she'll give him one during the day so hopefully he'll make it through the day. At least its Friday...

    Thanks all..I don't like hives.

  • At 1:56 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    Oh, they totally can be brought on by stress...I remember at Heidi's first wedding, we were all at her mom's house getting ready and she was shaking and so nervous...did not say a word in the limo...we were assembling at the back of the church and I turned to look at her and her neck and chest were suddenly covered in red blotchy hives ...a bad omen if i've ever seen one. we had many a laugh about that 18 months later when they filed for divorce. Oh, good times, good times.


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