So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First day!

I LOVE the routine of back to school. I love seeing them make their lunches the night before, lay out their clothes, put absolutely everything they need in the backpacks and set those back to school alarms! Everything went off this morning without a hitch with Billy. He was up extra-early, talkative and ready and his over-eager friend who lives up the street knocked on my door at 6:30 a.m. (the bus comes right around 7). Off he went, nervous but excited.

Next comes Matt. He too was excited in his own way about back to school. He set his alarm for 6:50 and actually got up and came down. Now the difference is that he goes and sits right in the kitchen, magically awaiting breakfast to appear before his eyes. I'm trying to train him. I gently suggested cereal, english muffins, frozen waffles, etc. and he took the bait. It was pleasant! Everything went really well until he went to put his sneakers on. He has mostly been wearing nothing on his feet, maybe sandals if I remind him or his cleats for football. When he slid them on (running shoes) there was this big peice of what felt like metal jabbing into his heel. I tried the old standby (duct tape) but you could still feel it!!! Aughhhh!!! We didn't think we needed new school sneakers because I just bought these right before the summer. Luckily, he had his basketball shoes that still fit! He handled it well :)

They both had a great first day and it was a bit chaotic when I got home from work because two of the neighbor kids were here. I need to lay some ground rules and have no-one here when I get home so I can spend some time with the boys and hear about the day before I go racing out to drop Matt off at Football. We already called a family meeting about it and all is understood. SO hopefully we are off to a great year.. I'm sure it will be challenging because I'm working more.. but who isn't up for a challenge!


  • At 6:24 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen, Nancy and I and the kids just went out yesterday to buy school sneakers. Too bad you guys don't live around here because there's a guy on the Knicks named SteFan Marbury. Now normally Marbury is kind of a typical athlete. You know...a Jerk! He even calls himself "Starbury". So...what does "Starbury" do? He makes a sneaker, or a line of sneakers, that he himself wears on the court in every basketball game. He's a markrting genius, right? Right! But what does he sell them for? $110? $125?

    Nope. $14.99! Seriously...He makes a $15 dollar sneaker that all the kids wear. The parents love this guy. The sneakers are really good! When I need new sneakers, I'm gonna get Starburys!
    They only sell them at a store called Steve & Barry's and as far as I know...only in NY. So if you guys ever find yourself in NY, stop in at Steve & Barry's.
    Nancy just told me to tell you, if you see what you like online ( we'll pick them up and ship them. That go's for any of our New England friends. (and ABW!) Just send up the sizes!!

  • At 4:17 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Hey, thanks!! We do have a Steve and Barry's right at the mall! I just went on-line and showed Matt what all the cool kids in NY were wearing and asked him if he wants to start the trend here in MA.. He liked the looks of some of them.. Of course I like the colors and he just likes black.. but for 14.99 we could be 2!!! Thanks for the offer and info and I'll update you on what we cool!

  • At 4:44 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Oh cool!
    Kels picked out these vintage looking red, white, and blue ones. They look like the old ABA basketball from 1972. Andy and Tom went for plain gray and black w/orange stripe. Kels also likes that S&B has the Amanda Bines collection. Krissy likes the Sarah Jassica Parker clothes. So it's win win (win) for the Hyatts.

  • At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG>>>>>THat is a great price for cneakers....yikes that is like what they SHOULD cost....
    K so funny about the breakfast appering in front of Matt, I think Ry thinks that way It took the summer to get him to take action and get what he needs instead of follow me around and wait for me to get it....I said sixth grade u have to be more responsible and mom does not want you to not know how to be a little more independant.....
    Great to hear it went well....I hear ya about the afterschool thing, now that homework and activites are starting u need the one on onr time to catch up w/ the boys...U r so awesome with them...Stephie

  • At 3:21 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Just our luck.. We went to Steve and Barrys' (we literally had about 20 minutes in between going to the orthodontist and getting ready for the scrimmage) and every single pair that Matt wanted did not have his size. He has pretty big feet, a men's 9 for an 11 year old. He liked them too but we struck out. I went out front and asked if they would be getting a new shipment and the kid told me they just got one.. so maybe MA people know about the Starbury craze too.. We went across the hall to Famous Footwear and dropped more money than I wanted to, but he is paying 20 out of his allowance. I completely refused to let him get the $65 DCs that all the kids are walking around in. I could see if his feet were not going to grow an inch a week. I think we are going to go back before basketball season though and get those there. Thanks for the tip.. and I never got to browse through the Sarah Jessica line.. (love her!!!)

  • At 1:15 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    It's probably their craziest time right now...back to school. Keep checking. Matt wears the same size as me!!

  • At 5:00 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    I'll definitely check back.. those will be his basketball shoes. Can you believe what a foot he has.. Billy is 14 and his size is 13 1/2!!


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