So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, September 28, 2007

Apples, apples, apples and a lot more...

Sorry I've been MIA... Lots going on. I started my new job Wednesday and I love it! The day flies right by. I don't have to be in there until 9 so I have some time to myself in the morning with the boys and I'm home by 3:15. I still have hours in transcription but I can do one hour each night/evening and I'm all set. I probably won't have that luxury too long because the new voice recognition system is so great that we don't have too much work.

We are all anxiously awaiting news of a CT scan that is scheduled for my Dad... He had one last week which showed a large mass in his pelvis, twice the size since June. He also has new nodules in his clavicle and his chest/lymph nodes.. Once before they biopsied some nodules which turned out to be benign. He has been such a trooper and has had such an awful, awful year yet is so determined to fight this cancer. Our hope is that is is prostate cancer returning which they will just treat with hormones.. if it is the endocrine, it means chemo, and yes, he still wants treatment. Prayers would be greatly appreciated for his strength through this ordeal.. and also for my mother too, who takes care of everybody. Sometimes I worry just as much about her..

In some good news, we had a family apple picking day last weekend at HoneyPot Hill Orchards in Stow, MA, right over the Sudbury line. What a great place! They had pick your own apples and pears (yes pears!!) and a hayride around a pond, a picnic area, animals, and a large hedge maze. Bill and I picked up Mom and my sister Diane, my niece Ashley, nephew Philip and Brother in law Simon all met us there. After we went back to my parents and my brother Mike was there with my two little nieces, Anna and Maria, my other niece Kara came and my nephew Michael (who is DRIVING!!) came with two of his sisters, Avery and Alex.. Me and my mom made lasagnas and we had a wonderful day all together.. makes me realize that although we are all so busy we need to get together more often.. Happy Friday everyone!


  • At 6:17 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Yes! On the getting together more. When you think back on won't think back on work, or errands, or housework. You'll think back on times together, smiles, and fun. My family will ALL be praying for your dad. That God heals him, or gives him and your mom the strength they need to see him safely to heaven. This life is like a blink of an eye...then it's over. For all of us, our goal has to be to spend eternity with God...and with each other. That's going to be some party! No one will ever feel lousy or sick, we'll be able to be in God presence...that's all the light we'll ever need. No more crime, greed, or any kind of worry. You think we have beautiful landscapes and vistas now? Just wait. I really can't wait!!! I can't wait to see what an apple tastes like in heaven. I know sometimes we think of heaven as being a place where we all kind of float around the clouds...with wings or whatever. The Bible says that it will be like the earth restored to how God created it. No pollution...just perfect. I get excited just thinking about it. So if your dad gets there a little jealous, then work on getting you guys and your kids there. I know you're on the right road, Karen.

  • At 6:24 AM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Hi Karen, I'm glad to hear the job is going well - it's great when the days fly by! I will being praying for your Dad as you await the results of his testing... and your Mom, too! Caretaking is a hard job! I love the pictures from Honey Pot, I have not been there but it looks like a great time! Looks like you had a beautiful day!

  • At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is os nice seeing you and ur beautiful family. Your mom looks like you could just go up to her and get a great big hug no matter who you are. Prayers to all of you concerning your father and mother. Keep us posted. And Drew yes I have read that too in the Bible and your discription is giving me the tingles of the Holy Spirit...Stephie

  • At 3:45 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks for all the kind words, friends!


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