So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fall staples..

I'm on board with Dawn and Drews posts.. getting good advice from people who have been there.

Here's my thing right now.. I'm sick of cooking. and shopping. What are some of your easy to throw together (but yummy and hopefully healthy) fall meals? With drama and football and me starting a new job I want to be organized and possibly prepare things in advance.

One of my fall staples is Chicken Pot Pie. My kids LOVE it and so do I.

here's the recipe.

One prepared pie crust (roll out Pillsbury works well)

One can of Campbell's cream of chicken soup.

One half bag of frozen veggies (I use corn, carrots, green beans, peas and lima beans)

Leftover cut up chicken (or get some tenders and chop and saute)

Heat soup and veggies on stove in pot. add chicken. Put bottom crust in pie pan and dump said mixture in. Put top on and crimp edges. Put a few slits in the top. Spread a little milk on top of hte pie crust and put in a 350 oven for one hour. (Put some foil under in case it bubbles over). Serve with cranberry jelly or applesause and ENJOY!

Please share if you have any kid friendly and parent friendly favorites. I don't like Ramen noodles. too salty even when I use half!


  • At 1:05 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    mexican bowls.....

    put chicken thin sliced chicken breast filets in the bottom of a pan. add a bag of frozen pepper strips on top, add one chopped onion, add one can of black or pinto beans, sprinkle with cheese....cook at 350 for about 40 minutes. serve mixed up with white rice in a bowl and add extra cheese and hot sauce to your liking! we also make guacamole with it which is just mashed up ripe avocados with some salt, pepper and cilantro.

    we had it last easy for me to make. and the chicken is really juicy.

    you get lots of protein, fiber and even calcium and vitamin c!!

  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    you could also toss in some salsa but it makes it a little watery.....

  • At 2:09 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    That sounds really good.. I'll have to look for frozen pepper strips.. I can only eat red or yellow or orange though..

    Are you having chicken these days, my vegetarian friend?

  • At 5:03 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i get the red, yellow and orange pepper strips...they sell them that way at my store....i've been venturing into eating poultry since i have NO extra time to make seperate meals for kenny and i lately. so i've eaten chicken like 3 times and turkey maybe 10 times since the bambino was born....i even had a bite of a meatball...that was scary....

  • At 8:57 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Karen, that meal sounds awesome, I wish my kids would eat it - they are so wierd, they won't eat any casserole type things AT ALL - not even lasagna and everyone knows that lasagna rocks. I'll post some recipes for you tomorrow. I'd love some crock pot recipes especially like roasts and what not. Something I can throw in the crock pot in the morning before church and have it all ready when we get home for a big family dinner... we don't have dinner together Mon-Thur because I work so I'd like to start making Sundays after church a big deal. Great post, Karen, I'm sure to be looking for lots of recipes -thanks!

  • At 3:33 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    when time alots, I make 5 meals in one day then pull them out Mon-Fri b/c we get in after hockey/art class and it is too hectic here to to cook at the last min. If a meal is not ready I put the crocky on low...and go. I can do a meat potat. and veg all in ine pot in the slow cooker. then toss a premixed bag salad and DONE. goog luck with that...

  • At 6:06 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I'm trying to convince Nance to add her recipe for potato soup. So far she's a little reluctant.

  • At 7:05 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    Chicken and Cheese

    1 can cream of chicken soup
    1 can cheddar cheese soup
    chicken chunks (cut up cutlets)
    frozen peas ( we omit-my kids don't like)
    rice (cook seperatly)

    saute chicken till almost cooked through
    add soups and a little water
    add peas
    Pour over rice!

  • At 2:47 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Mel, that sounds good too! Drew, tell Nancy we all need her potato soup!!!

    I'd love some crock pot recipes. I do use it to make meatballs and chili and stuff, but when I do meats it all tastes the same.. I must be doing something wrong. Well, I made a roast chicken yesterday and have soup boiling on the stove. I bought some frozen peppers (but I'll have to pull out hte greens) with water chestnuts , pineapples and rice over crunchy noodles and I think Sunday I'm going to cut up and cook some chicken strips and keep them in the freezer to use in stir-fry or throw into a salad... It feels good.. although I spent WAY too much at STop and Shop and will probably only last me a WEEK!! How on earth did my mother do this with 5 kids... Have mercy....

  • At 7:14 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    your pot pie sounds great-I'll be trying that Karen!


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