So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Great READ!!!!

I just read this book over the weekend and loved it! It's about a 90 something year old man living in a Nursing Home and remembering his past and when he worked at the circus.. The interesting thing is that the author did extensive research on circuses and some of the bizarre things that happened in the story really did happen back then. It was wonderfully written (at times very strange) and had a great ending.. So, if you are lover of books like I am, check this one out!


  • At 4:42 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    I'll check it out, Karen. Lately I've only been reading at busy at night. I'm trying to get through Harry Potter so Krisy can discuss it w/me. I's really great...maybe the best of the series. I'm also still reading essays by EB White. Neat stories abou his like in the 40's and 50's in NYC and Maine. He was an interesting guy. Your book sounds interesting though. Did someone tell you about it? Did you read the entire book in a weekend???

  • At 4:51 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I think I read it in 2 days..I actually had a little time to play this past weekend. I think I went on my library's website and it was listed as new fiction and I put it on hold. I try to do that every month and then the library will call me and say they have something for me.. so when I go it's like a surprise because I never remember what I put on hold. ah.. the little things in life. Now I'm reading something called "The girl with the golden shoes.. about an island girl during the 1940s who tries to leave the island behind. The language is written in "island talk" so its funny read.. like "What I be doin in this place"?

    I haven't read any of the Harry series if you can believe it! Someday.. My kids were scared of them when they were little. The essays sound good too. Bill is reading The Dirty life and times of warren Zevon. He says its good.. Hey, Bruce is back on tour!

  • At 2:58 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Love Warren Zevon! (Lawyers, Guns, and Money)
    We're going to try to get Boss tix...we just can't pay through the nose!!

  • At 4:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I also read this book and loved it. My sister-in-law gave it to me and I was thinking "hmmm, not too interested in circuses...." But it drew me right in and, yes, the ending was great!!


  • At 8:32 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Hi Karen,

    I'm going to order that from the library tonight. I love ordering books from the library. I have two books on investing I am going to order that my boss recommended. Speaking of nursing homes, my father just got out of the nursing home yesterday (in PA) and is coming to stay with us for two weeks. We got a free sleeper sofa from Freeycle so Ed and I will stay in the basement and my parents will stay in our room.

    I have only read the first Harry book but would like to read them all.

    I used to read at work in between calls but now I have a new position and there is no time to read.

  • At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Miss you Karen....I am sure work and home is hectic with you working the new job...Let us know how it goes.....U R MISSED>>>Stephie

  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    HellooOOOoooooooo....Karen: come out come out wherever you are!


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