So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Whoops.. It's November!

I can't believe we already in the first week! Time is really flying by. Here are a few pictures of Halloween night. Our neighbors always have the kids at their house for a few party games and some steamed hot dogs and chips before they rush out for their treats. Then the moms stay and have a glass of wine or some hot cider while the dads take the kiddies around. Matt had a friend come to our neighborhood this year and afterwards he said "this is the most candy I have gotten in my whole life!!" They were loaded! Billy went to one of his friends this year.. It was weird. His first year away from us...but he had fun and was home by 9:00 with lots of candy and a big smile on his face! I love that he is still trick or treating at his age... I think I was hanging out in the woods with my friends at that point.. yikes!!! (city kid that I was!)

In sporting news.... Matt's team has won the playoff game and we are going to the SUPERBOWL next week!!! WHOOOO HOOOOOOO!!! It was the most exciting youth sports game I have ever seen. They won a touchdown in overtime. Because they were tied they had to do a coin toss and then each team had a chance to get a touchdown from the 10 yard line... It was nerve wracking. I'm really happy for them.. the other boys were crying. It was so sad :( This team we play next week is really good so it will be a tough call. I will be happy to have football practice end and also to get a few weekends free before basketball starts.

Work is good.. just so busy. The days and weeks go really fast and because I'm running around so much I am totally happy just to hang at home on the weekend.

Mom and Dad are flying to CA today to meet their great grandson!!! I can't wait to see pictures. Dad is having a biopsy in early December because of the growning tumors, but we are taking things one day at a time.. and he told my mother that he wants a good Christmas this year. We will be sure to give him the best one yet! Great to "talk" to y'all...


  • At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So nice to hear about the Trangs going ons....Cool costumes....Both of mine did not get dressed and I had to work so it was not a night of anything here : ( thoses were the
    Sounds like a great game...hope the Superbowl goes well too...
    That is great the Jess gets to see your mom and dad...Prayers and love...Stephie

  • At 7:17 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Sounds like you all had a nice Halloween. Looking at the tble is like looking at ours. You see Capri Sun, Poland Spring, and hotdogs. Krissy went to a couple of parties and the rest went trick-or-treating with us. Usually we hook up with a bunch of their friends and only make it to a few blocks before their bags are all filled up. After, we ordered pizza and watched 'It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown'. That's become kind of a tradition. That's awesome about going to the Superbowl! Good luck! Andy's falltravel baseball team came in first with an 8-1 record. Their summer travel team (same kids) were 19-1. Eventually, this group is going to have to learn about losing! Now we're in a break for 3 weeks before basketball starts. I have to go to coaches draft night on thursday. I have a lot of parents requesting that I coach their kids again so hopefully I'll be able to pick them. Anyway...glad you posted's been too long. Now you have to get Jess to blog again. So far she's just sucker-punching me on Facebook!

  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    nice to see you back in action auntie....i need my updates too ya can't wait to see g&p...i haven't seen them since december and papa was in the hospital, a lot has changed since then!

  • At 8:52 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Glad to "see" you Karen, sounds like a really fun Halloween! Great costumes too! Congrats on the SuperBowl, sounds awesome!


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