So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


We lost the Superbowl on Sunday :( We went in as the underdogs so I was really happy for the boys that they even made it that far. Within the first ten minutes of the game the Raiders scored 2 touchdowns.. They had a really good team. We did come back with 2 touchdowns towards the end and the final score was 26 to 12. The boys took it really well. I think the coach was more upset than they were!

Afterwards they had a pizza party at the Knights of Columbus which was a wonderful idea. The players, cheerleaders and parents were all invited and you should have seen the dancing going on! It was a riot. They did this circle thing where someone would get in the middle and they all clapped and said "Hey Matthew" "Hey WHAT" "Hey Matthew" "Hey What"... "Rock the boat" then they did this little dance and that kid would have to go in.. We were all hysterical watching! I'm glad the season is OVER!! I will have some great shots pretty soon that my sister-in-law took for me. Had to take the memory card to Walmart to make a disc.

Next week is basketball.. and so it goes.....


  • At 2:03 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Hi Karen, sorry to hear that but sounds like they had fun anyway! Wow, basketball is starting up - you are a busy family! :-)

  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    They should be proud to make it that far! It sounds like they took the loss in stride. You gotta love that about kids! (I want to see those pics!)
    Basketball is starting with us right after Thanksgiving. I'm the head coach of Andy's team, and the Asst. on Kelsey's and Toms. Busy busy busy!!! (but fun!)

  • At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thayt sounds like a ton of fun and still as long as they had a good time it does not matter if you win or loose it's how you played the game. Have fun with b-ball....My tall son never took to it despite all the asking from a friends dad who is a head coach..He still tells him it is not too late...I guess he is just a hockey Stephie


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