So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I just had a great time reading everyone's blogs.. I feel like its been years! Glad everyone is doing well.. love all the pictures too! Stephie, I love that the weather is warmer!!! I'm with you all the way, baby!

I'm so happy that the holidays are past us and I'm back to trying to be organized. I don't know what happened this year, but I was so not prepared for any of it!

Work is good, still don't like going out every day but what the heck, right? I really enjoy the people that I work with and laugh pretty hard every single day. Plus, I get home early enough to do all the kid's activities and still cook dinner!
Another thing I like is the interaction with the people (some of who are nicer than others!). I also get the other side of working in mammogram which is dealing with breast cancer every day of the week. It is very very sad when we see women who come in for a yearly check up who end up going through more tests and eventually being diagnosed. We are all very sensitive and understanding of the stress that they and their families are under. Women out there, PLEASE get your yearly mammogram. The reason you need it yearly is because sometimes it can be undetectible on the first one, but when you have more to compare to you can see a change. It is not 100%, but what is? So think pink.... and get your mammogram! Love and hugs to all :)


  • At 9:44 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Hi Karen,
    Glad to see you back!!! Your hours sound perfect, what a great balance! I need to have a mammogram but can't do it now because I'm pregnant and then I'll be nursing so after that - I will have one done!!! Looking forward to more posts!

  • At 4:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I AM SO HAPPY to read a long awaited post from u! Hope all is well and the family is fine. Sounds like you got ur hands full but under control. U do a great job it sounds with the compasion they need for the aweful disease and I give Kudos to you and the deptmnt. for being so loving/caring. The warmth has made my month so and I hope it styas this way but I doubt it. Have a great day! Keep posting u r missed....Stephie

  • At 6:39 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Hey Karen....c'mon~

  • At 4:07 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Alright, Drew. I'll let you slide.

  • At 6:47 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    I typed in karenina.blogspot..... and this is what I got.

    Sábado, Fevereiro 09, 2002
    Olá pessoas! Só depois de muito tempo que resolvi escrever definitivamente. Acho interessante esse exercício de explanar idéias e pensamentos próprios, e através desse blog, sei que posso fazê-lo. Quando eu quiser meter o pau no Roriz, rsssss, no sistema, por todas as minhas angústias e revoltas pra fora.

  • At 5:44 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Which roughly translate to: Saturday, February 09, 2002 Hello people! Only after much time that I decided to write definitively. I find this exercise of explanar proper ideas and thoughts interesting, and through this blog, I know that I can make it. When I to want to put the wood in the Roriz, rsssss, in the system, for all my angústias and revolts pra I am.

  • At 3:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Miss u K....xoxoxo Prayers and friendship xoxoxo Stephie


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