So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Janice!!!

Just wanted to wish my big sister a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Janice is the sister that I envied when I was little. She's about five years older than me, always had cool clothes, tons of friends and great hair. I used to sit on my bed and watch her get ready to go out while dreaming of the day I too would be a teenager.

She's only become more beautiful with age and has raised two wonderful girls and is a Pilates, Yoga and Fitness Instructor and would put us all to shame with the shape she is in. We have more laughs now than we did back then and she is not only a fantastic sister, but one of my very best friends..

Here's to more cruising, traveling and fun! Happy birthday!

Love, Karen


  • At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We'll be joining in any future festivities if I have anything to say about it. How lucky I am to have such great kids. Janice is still the entertaining gal she has always been. Love her dearly.


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