So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, June 09, 2006

Tiny Thumbelina...

My son Billy (12) was in the play Tiny Thumbelina last night. It was put on through our Recreations Department. The play was very cute with lots of little kids in it (who make you laugh til you cry). I was really disappointed with a few of the older kids who didn't know their lines. It was embarrassing for the other kids on stage with them. I mean, there were 4 kindergarten age kids in the play (5 or 6 years old) and they not only knew their own lines, but EVERYONE elses as well! They also knew their cues. Billy played the part part of Walter Rat (a villianous character) where he wore a black suit, tophat and cape and sang a solo. He looked so handsome and grown up.. Sometimes its hard to imagine that he's my little boy up there! He also played Baron Beetle,kind of a nerdy character in a crocheted vest. He absolutely loves acting, and is really good at it. Show #2 is tonight and I think my Mom, 5 year old neice Anna, and sister-in-law Liz are coming. (Last night Bill's parent's came). GO BILLY!!!!

Today, I have to go to Matthew's 4th grade Invention Convention where he and a classmate built a football catapult out of K'nex and paper towel holders.. should be interesting.. THEN, I have to go to work and have blood drawn to see if I have the measles antibody (MANDATORY)...I guess I don't mind after seeing 11 people in Boston have come down with measles after they were infected through someone from another country that hadn't been vaccinated.. I mean, who knows how long these things last? Later on I have another moving company coming to give me a quote (the last one was $2000.00 - not gonna happen) to store and move my furniture for what now looks like July, August and September...

Hopefully, our P&S will be signed today.....:) Over and out...


  • At 4:58 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    WOW....lots on your plate I hope you can clear it to have a peaceful weekend.....

  • At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So anyway....I wish I could go to the play...don't be mad at the other kids, they probably make him look even more talented!!! Silly Auntie!

    Roger that....


  • At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I loved the play and Anna and Maria and Liz did too!! Anna was fascinated and loved being with her auntie and cousin billy. I feel lucky to be the grandma of so much talent and wit!


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