So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anna Nicole

Wow.. Just clicked on to my homepage which is and saw the glaring headline that Anna Nicole Smith is dead at 39. Wow.

I'm one of those ones that would always shake my head at Anna with a bemused/confused look on my face but as a 40 year old female, I just can't comprehend her death at age 39.. Maybe it was something to do with the diet pills (trimspa) that she took and is in a major lawsuit over..Maybe grief over the death of her own son and the fact that she doesn't know who her baby's Daddy is.. All I can say is that it is very sad and tragic that someone so young has died for no good reason. Very sad indeed.


  • At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When M told me to look on the comp I was stunned...Her poor little baby girl who is she going to be with? I hope the attny Howard K Stern is the real dad and she stays with him and he raises her to be a good girl. It is so sad and I was shocked that she was only 39 very sad ....Stephie

  • At 2:49 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i am completely shocked also! its insane. first her son and now her...her poor family and poor daughter.

    how did the son die again? overdose?

  • At 5:16 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    I think he died right in the hospital room when she had her daughter. supposedly he was on some type of antidepressant and other meds which didn't mix. he was only 20 years old. Poor kid, imagine having her as your mom.

  • At 7:06 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Why is that guy (HKS) always around when people die? Just strikes me as odd. Nancy was saying back when her son died that maybe the son was the baby-daddy? Sick...but these people are/were bizarre.
    She fought her whole life for attention and money. She was stripping and met that old dude with mega-bux. Cha-ching! Then she gets that awful 'reality' show where she stumbled around like a mad cow. Then the lawsuit. More attention. More drug abuse. Fighting for money. Sleeps around. The daddy could be like 3 different guys. I don't know...just a miserable tragic figure ending tragically.

  • At 7:08 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    EWWWWWWW.... Tell Nancy that I was wondering the same thing about her and her son. Yuck and Ick.

    Waste of a life.

  • At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I REALLY hope that it is not her sons baby...That is sick...I REALLY REALLY could not fatham that YUCK..but M brough that up a few months back,.....I was like NOOOO!...Stephie....


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