So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Saturday, January 20, 2007

S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y. NIGHT!!!!

What ever happened to the good old days when I was excited that it was Saturday night?!!! I remember making plans with my girlfriends (and guy friends) of where we were going, what time were we meeting, what were we wearing? It was so much fun.. but I'm honestly glad not to be there anymore..

Instead, I watch and wait as my oldest gets ready to go to the dance with his buddy. My youngest is having a sleepover, and Bill and I have to stay dressed so we can go pick up the boys at 10 p.m. How quickly things change.. how quickly time flies.. Soon they will be driving.. and I'll still be waiting up ready to kiss them goodnight.


  • At 6:51 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    and when you go to kiss them goodnight you'll take a wiff of their breath to see if they've been boozing like you were at their age! lolololol!!!!!!!

    my big saturday night so far has involved looking up recipes online (because all i can think about is food...especially your crabbies) and we'll probably watch a movie on hbo and hit the sack by 10!

  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Was that B.T.O.?
    It's 9:50 now and I'm dreading the fact that I have to go out on a photo gig tonight. The only good part is Nancy's coming with me. But we're tired! At least it's a good band...and it's not too far from home. But we're still tired! Back in the day, me and Nancy would stay out so late...then go to a diner and have breakfast. I remember coming in at 6:00am once and having cornflakes with my dad. Then I'd take a nap, shower, and go to work. If I did that now, I'd be wrecked for 3 days! The only good thing is we know that Krissy's home. Not that we don't trust her...she's very mature and an excellent driver, but still.
    So..out we go!

  • At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We just got in at 10:45 this is a really late night for us, a hockey game in NH...I wanted to ck in before shut eye but from the bright lights and the cheering in the rink I am too wound up to sleep. I will be feeling this late night tom afternoon sometime....Have a great GIG Drew, K...I know the Danece Nights...are they not the cutest! Jess keep on cookin and feeding the baby....Stephie

  • At 6:00 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    Drew, that is the Bay City Rollers. Karen, Sat. nights are still great to me b/c I know I can "sleep in" (you know, til like 7:30AM) the next day and not have to do anything when I get up! But soon enough I'll be like you, waiting to pick up the kids and then waiting up FOR parents were total night owls so they would've been up late anyway...I don't know how i'm going to do it as I can't keep my eyes open past 10pm now!

  • At 8:29 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    We are all so funny! I remember getting in at 3 a.m. from Kenmore Square and having to be at my Saturday morning job at the hospital at 8 a.m. I thought grape juice with tons of ice was the cure-all. I don't know how my parents did it with five kids! In a way we were lucky that they didn't pay that much attention to us!

  • At 3:08 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Did I ever tell you guys that I am the youngest of 10 kids? So by the time I came along, it was like my parents didn't want to know ANYTHING! Crazy times for me and my bro. that's 15 months older.
    Last night we got in around 11:30...had 2 ales but I really felt it today. We made it to church at 9, but me and Nancy crashed around 12. She had 1 glass of wine and she felt it today too. I think it's more of staying out late. So, we took a nice long nap...took the kids (and Rudy) for a nice long walk. It was only in the 20's today but not as windy as yesterday so it was very refreshing. I wish it would snow though(Sorry Stephie)
    So today was just a slow-moving day...Nancy made Chicken Noodle soup...lotsa naps. thing. The sermon at church this morning was really good. It was about forgiveness: and how we are commanded to forgive. Forgiveness is a gift that we should give even if it's undeserved. If I forgive someone (even if they don't care/acknowledge the need for forgiveness) it helps me. Like: "Let it go" you know what I mean? I dunno if I got that across right..."just let it go, drew".

    It helped!
    Have a good week guys!

  • At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I like that advice sometimes I wish I could do like you stated but it is easier said than done sometimes....I had a feeling that a nap would be in order lol .....

  • At 6:01 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    11:30 is late for us old folks! I had friends over Friday night and they stayed til 10:30..I had a few glasses of wine and it ruined me for the entire weekend. My stamina is gone :)

    My mother always says that about forgiveness. It hurts you worse when you hold onto anger and hatred, when you forgive it lifts you up.. So you got a good sermon and a wonderful rule to live by. The weekend was too short. GO PATS!

  • At 3:56 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Easier said than done...always true!

    Sorry 'bout the Pats. :-(

    Think we'll see another "Superbowl Shuffle?" "Reshuffle?" Ugh!

  • At 11:51 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Yuck, I hope no Superbowl Shuffle. Matt was in tears last night, but I thought the Colts deserved the win and I was thrilled with what good losers the Patriots were.. Way to go boys!

    Anyway, its funny that this is the only time of the year I even watch the games! I'm a fairweather playoff fan.

  • At 12:38 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i'm eating crabbies and i'm in heaven!!!!!!!

  • At 6:32 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Oooh! Where'd you get the recipe. Last year I ate too many of them and got severe heartburn!

  • At 8:04 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i did an online search and found quite a few i just went with the easiest looking one...apparently crabbies are quite popular! who knew?

  • At 8:04 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i did an online search and found quite a few i just went with the easiest looking one...apparently crabbies are quite popular! who knew?


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