So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Hello all!

It's been a crazy, crazy week. Sorry for the moaning earlier, I was just in a funk. Things are a bit better. I'm finally feeling like myself again, except for the straggling tickle in the throat. My father was rushed back into the hospital on Friday because of very low blood pressure and an extremely low blood count. They were not taking very good care of him at the Rehab. They just didn't get it. They had him lifting weights in his bed. He's 80 and just had MAJOR surgery. He had an infection in his wound. He was dehydrated and in pretty serious condition. I was a wreck. Fast Forward to today, he is still in the hospital gaining strength and his next stop will be home to my mother with a visiting nurse coming in. Probably the best place he can be. He was disheartened for awhile, but Mom says he is coming around. He asked his male nurse who was doing a very good job of taking care of him if he would marry him.. which is more like my Dad to be making jokes.

Anyway, we had a great Christmas. Bill's family was at my house on Christmas eve Day and we did our traditional Yankee swap. . Bill ended up with the gift I put it, (chocolate fondue pot) which I am thrilled about! Went to the 8 p.m. vigil with Billy and came home and watched another old Scrooge movie. This time was 1951 (?) with Alistair Sym (sp?). I have to get the one with Albert Finney which is amusical and I know the guys in my family will not like.

Christmas day we went to my brother Mike's and had PRIME RIB which was out of this world. The whole family was together (except Jess :( and my father) but we really did have a great time and had lots of laughs. We didn't leave til 8 p.m. The kids absolutely love being with their cousins. Matthew got his electric guitar and lessons will start next week. Billy loved his IPOD and has already downloaded music. Bill and I exchanged small gifts and he did a great job surprising me with some beautiful perfume, chocolates, candles and a spa gift certificate so I can get a massage or facial :) He was very happy with his new clothes, flannel pj pants and deer whistles for his car (and mine).

We spent Tuesday lounging and then went to see Casino Royale. I'm a total fan of this new Bond. I think he's the best since Moore/Connery. The movie was great and I can't wait to see the next one.

We decided to come up to NH for the rest of the week and Bill and I broke in our Ski Legs at Loon this morning. He got me up super early, had the car packed and bacon/egg sandwiches made and coffee brewing. Kids were still sleeping. We took Matt's friend Tommy with us. We skiied nonstop for an hour and half and then our old legs were shaking and the crowds were coming so we came home and had some more coffee in front of the fireplace. It was snowing and it's so pretty up here. I'm really glad we came. Bill's sister Karen is heading up tonight and will ski with us in the morning. The kids don't really want to ski yet, not enough trails open for them. I'm hoping to meet one of my friends who lives up here for lunch either today or tomorrow and we will come home and have New Year's and chinese food with Bill's parents on Saturday night. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Just want to say a big heartfelt thank you to you all for listening and commenting.. your words of kindness mean alot and I'm really really looking forward to 2007 and all the good times to come... :)


  • At 5:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh Karen You can CAVECTH (sp) to us anytime.......
    Looks like you guys are having lots of fun in the SNOW.......
    Hope dad gets stronger and stronger, what was Rehab thinking? Weight Lifting for an older man ? Beats me....You are all still in our prayers...Love and Happy New Year to you all.....Stephie

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen..couple of things:
    Did you take pics of the snow/skiing?
    What's a Deer Whistle?
    Prayers for your Dad (he's in my regular rotation now!)

    Happy New Year!

  • At 5:07 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks Steph!

    Drew, I forgot my camera :( but it really is pretty. We skied again this morning and I wasn't even sore today!

    Deer whistles are something you put on your vehicle to warn the deer that you are coming. I think back in my May 2006 archives you can see the result of hitting a deer on 93. It was a horrifying experience for me and one I hope never to repeat! Stupid deer!

  • At 5:37 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Okay Karen, I just read your June 6th (I think) about the deer. It reminded me of that scene in Goodfella's when Joe Peci needed to borrow a big knife from his mama to ge the deer..."what do you call it? Paw, is that it?" out of his grill. Actually, we wanted to chop up a body in the trunk...not a stupid deer paw!
    So does the thing whistle the whole freakin' time? 'Cause I'd rather take my chances with Bambi than listen to that everytime I drive! Or is it like a dog whistle...only the deer can hear it? What the dilly?

  • At 6:56 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    ah, crack me up.. I can't hear it when I'm driving! Maybe other people can, I haven't had any complaints yet! I think its supposed to warn them but I don't think they have any brains!

  • At 9:04 AM, Blogger Dawn said…


    We spent the last week in Loon! Isn't that funny! The kids were in camp/lessons.. the rest of the time was spent in the pool or the hot tub! We stayed at the Mountain Club so maybe we saw you guys skiing.. the kids loved watching the skiiers and snowboarders out the window! Maybe they waved Hi at you!

    I hope your Dad will gain some strength in rehab. My father has been in the hospital for about a week.. the plan was for him to go to rehab but he is too weak so he's going to a skilled facility for a bit and then hopefully rehab and then hopefully home.

    We lived in PA for a while and everyone has deer whistles. Not sure if they work but I've never had any run ins with deer so maybe they do!

    Post some pics from Loon... love to see 'em.


  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Dawn, where in PA did you live? Thats one of the places Nancy and I are looking at.

  • At 7:17 PM, Blogger Dawn said…


    We lived in a teeny tiny town between Pottstown & Reading and before that I lived in Harleysville over by Lansdale. Where did you look?


  • At 6:10 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Dawn, that's awesome that you went to Loon! It's one of my favorite mountains. The skiing was actually really good for such mild weather. Hoping the next time I go, which will be Martin Luther weekend, it will be a bit better with more trails open. Unfortunately, didn't bring the camera.. but I will next time!

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    We're going to State College, PA this weekend. Then next it's Harrisburg/Camp Hill/York areas. Do you know them at all?


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