So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Operation Success...

It was a long day for everyone. I left my house at 8 a.m. and got to my parents at 9, greeted by a little bit of sunshine as my brother Mike and niece Maria had come by to see Dad before we left. Got to the hospital by 10:15 and waited around until 11 when they called us upstairs. My parents were so great.. they held hands from the garage to the hospital (not bad for 47 years of marriage :)

We met with the surgeon who pretty much gave us all scenarios which we probably didn't need to hear right before he went into surgery, but they need to cover their bases. After the anesthesiologists came in, we both kissed him goodbye and left teary-eyed to go up to the 6th floor waiting room for the long day ahead of us.

My sister Janice and brother in law Jimmy met us in the hospital and we all went across the street for a Dunkin Donuts coffee and bagel. Then back to the waiting room it was.... wait....wait.....wait...... Jan and Jim had to leave so Mom and I sat on the uncomfortable chair/benches and tried to stretch out best we could. We talked and laughed alot, but I could see worry on her face. We knew it was a long operation but by 5 we were both antsy. Around 6:30 p.m., the surgeon found us in the waiting room and told us that they had completed surgery. He gave us the details and told us what to expect. My father will be in there for about a week and will be on an epidural for the first few days since this is such a huge incision and the pain will be great. We are so grateful for this chance to have him for awhile longer. I honestly can't believe all the things he has had to go through medically in his life and he is so strong and never complains about the pain or the procedures. Anyway, I left there at 7:30 and made it home by 9:00. I'm completely exhausted today and can only imagine how my Mom feels. She never even got to see him because he was so medicated. Hopefully today he'll be in a room and she can sit with him. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.. they work!


  • At 5:16 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    ...we're gonna keep praying for your dad. And strength for you guys!!!

  • At 3:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    SO glad to hear all went well w/ your dad...Prayers and Faith are Gods gift to us as well as LOVE from your family.....Blessings..Stephie

  • At 4:26 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thank you!!!!

  • At 8:49 PM, Blogger Dawn said…

    Glad to hear it went well... I'll keep him in my prayers... keep us posted...


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