So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Well, its' Wednesday already. Have I mentioned that I'm not ready for Christmas? I'm ready emotionally, and spiritually, just not phsically. I haven't wrapped a blessed thing, and still have the teacher/busdriver/miscellaneous gifts to buy.. which will all be one stop shopping at bath and body works, so that's easy.

I've been sick for the past two days.. It started with a sore throat over the weekend, which was extremely busy, more on that later! By Tuesday night, I had the biggest headache and a burning hot sore throat. Matt went to the nurse Tuesday (which he never, ever does) and came home with the same symptoms. Luckily, my doc gave me a z-pack (azithromycin) even if it isn't bacterial because she knows the amount of running around I've been doing, and said it couldn't hurt. So I feel better today. I have a long standing coffee date at my house with two of my football mom friends who haven't seen the house, then a quick trip to the mall to finish up the straggling gifts.

Dad was moved to a rehabilitation center yesterday. It's a Jewish rehab, but of course they take Catholics too! He is making so much progress and really wants to come home. It is really touching the way he misses us all. My stoic, strong, Italian father is not one for mush, but he has been saying "I love you" at every phone conversation, which melts me. I keep telling him how proud we all are of him. He really does have a great big loving family, which I know is helping him get through this. So, if he is not home for Christmas, I'm sure we will all be marching down to the Jewish Rehabilitation Center singing Christmas songs! Happy day everyone.. thanks for always listening, even when its boring! :)


  • At 10:32 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    I love your dad! Get better soon. You can't go visit him if you're sick! And when shall we set up our coffee dates to show off our respective new houses??? Call me! : )

  • At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hope you get better soon, hope your other son and husband do not catch the bug.....
    SO sweet about your dad...they would LOVE to hear Hark the Herold Angels the Jewish
    Have a great coffee date...I am trying that tom with Anastisiologist Jane after I unload boxes at 530am at BABW....


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