So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Tag!! You're it... (from Stephie!)

Here goes...

A.- Available or Taken? Taken
B- Best Friend? My hubby, Bill.
C.Cake or Pie? Pie
D- Drink of Choice? Water with lemon, alcoholic right now would be pumpkin ale with a slice of orange
E- Essential item you use everyday? MAC Eden Rocks lipstick
F- Favorite Color? lightish blue like aqua
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? YUCK to both
H- Hometown? Roslindale, Massachusetts
I- Indulgence? Chocolate sweets and bubble baths
J- January or February? February because of vacation week and one month closer to spring
K- Kids and Names? Billy and Matthew
L- Life is incomplete without? Family, friends, Food, Vacations, movies, great books, long walks, living near the ocean, something to look forward to, relationship with God
Marriage Date? June 4, 1989
N- Number of Siblings: 2 older sisters, 1 older brother, 1 younger brother
O- Oranges or apples? apples, gala, granny smith, empire, mac
P- Phobias or fears? being trapped underwater, crazy people, death of others but not myself, bears, hitting deers, sharks and alligators/crocodiles
Q- Favorite quote? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
R- Reason to Smile? I love to smile :) don't need a reason
S- Season? Fall, then summer;
T- Tag 3 or 4 people? Jessica, Dawn, Davina, Cousin Kathy
U- Unknown fact about me? If I wasn't me, I'd want to be Stacy London from TLC's "What not to Wear" She's fabulous!
V- Vegetable you don't like? Brussel sprouts
W- Worst Habit? my accent
X- X-rays? spine, but it wasn't official, a friend at work did it for me :)
Y- Your favorite food? Italian
Z- Zodiac: Cancer, Water sign.. sensitive homebody

That was fun!


  • At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Stacey London thats cool....I like her b/c she is funny and tells it like it U could so be her...Stephie

  • At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh the hubby thing was a good one...I surly tought they meant a girl for some reason....Stephie

  • At 3:05 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Hey Steph.. they all did it but the e-mailed me!


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