So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Friday, June 30, 2006

Flume Gorge

Because it has been so wet up here lately and we didn't feel like hiking in MUD, we decided to go to the Flume Gorge in Franconia Notch. It is a 2 mile walk through beautiful rock formations on wooden planks. It was a great way to stretch our legs and get a little exercise before we tackle going through more boxes and getting rid of stuff.

We were about 1 3/4 miles in when the skies opened and thunder rolled in. We found a rain shelter and squeezed in there with 3 other families and waited for the rains to die down. We waited for 15 minutes and then it slowed down but we still ended up super wet. After a stop at Bill and Bob's famous Roast Beef in Lincoln, we headed home where we spent 3 hours going through stuff to send to the local dump. Right now, I'm having my second glass of Chardonnay and waiting til dark so we can light off some more fireworks with the neighbors.



  • At 5:57 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    Yo, Mrs. T! Have another glass of chardonnay for me! : )

  • At 6:46 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Nice pics.......Hope the rain stops......Hey I loves the rolling waters there,,,,I am sure you saw them.....

  • At 7:07 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    I remember going times!

    anyway, I'm having a margarita, wish I could be there to help you sort through stuff...I probably wouldn't throw anything away though...I tend to accumulate a lot of "stuff"...


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