So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Moving on in...

We are pretty much officially moved in to my in-laws. There are six of us crowding into their ranch. We have invaded. Tonight will be the boy's first night here but we are spending one last night in the house so I'll be there bright and early for the moving and storage people. You'd think that after moving 3 times since 2001 that I would be used to this, but this seems to be the worst. I guess I'm just tired of it all. So much work goes into a move that it just sucks the life out of you. Anyway, I won't complain because when our house is finished we will all be so HAPPY!!!!!

The cable company was scheduled to come bewteen 8 a.m and 10 a.m. yesterday to put cable internet in their house. They are still in the school of dial-up which I have graduated from years ago and will NEVER GO BACK!!! Of course, the cable guy didn't get here til NOON and I was so frustrated because my list of a million things to still do was waiting for me at home. At least it's done. I'm now able to do my transcription job from here and was here bright and early this morning at 5:30 a.m.!

Sorry nothing exciting...but I'll keep ya posted!


  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    so you're back in the nook:) i love it there!!! by the time i see you next you might have your new house ready!!!!

  • At 9:32 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I hope so! You are going to love it. I love it here too - its not boring.


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