So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Sunday, June 18, 2006

To my Dad...

Edmando Tito Alfredo Paolo Feloni was born in 1926 and spent most of his life in the North End of Boston. He served in the Army as a young man and worked in the Army Supply store as a clerk. As soon as he was old enough, he changed his name to Edmund Paul (he didn't like having so many names, he thought it was stupid!)

He became a Boston Police Officer, and may I say that my father was as gorgeous as they come. Thick, wavy black hair, big brown eyes and an athletic build.. you know, the big shoulders and small waist. My mother laid eyes on him as he was walking his beat and announced to a neighbor that she would marry him. Marry him she did and they produced 5 wonderful (most of the time) children. I am the 4th child and the last girl, hence I was a tad spoiled according to the older kids. (not that I minded).

My father was so hardworking and studied his way through the ranks of the force going back to school to earn his Bachelor's degree even as his two youngest children were being born. He made Sergeant, then Leuitenant, then District Commander. I was always so proud of him in his uniform. He was a good cop and a hard worker. In a time when he made little money, we children lacked for nothing. We had a pool (above ground round) in the back yard, went away every summer for a week or two, (mostly NH, or Maine). Dad took us to Old Silver Beach, out for ice cream and to watch the planes at Norwood Airport, and into Boston all the time. We would attend the summer feasts in the North End and I thought my Dad was famous because people would shout "hey Eddie!!) from their front porches. I loved it.

He was a joker, always saying "don't forget to feed the dog" (we never had a dog), he would shut the cellar light on us and yell down "watch out for the lady with the knife" (sounds bizarre but we got a kick out of it). He would belly flop into our small round above the ground pool and half the water would go out of it while we screamed and laughed! He made up names for all of us and mine is my favorite, Karenina.

He now is the proud grandfather (Papa) of 13 grandchildren ranging from 27 years old down to 3 years old. He loves each and every one of them.

I always felt safe as a child. It made me feel safe as an adult.

Happy Father's Day.. I Love you, Dad. Karenina


  • At 5:21 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    I love you too Papa!!!!

  • At 7:11 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    OH Karen ...
    That was so sweet......
    Always cherish the times you have together......Thank God for the Blessings...WOW your family was large......

  • At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dad will be so happy to read this blog. He is and was a very special guy who always put his family first. He named you Karenina and we all started calling you that. Thanks for remembering the good things -- there really are a lot of happy memories to share. Keep them coming!

  • At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Is there a grandchild out there that I don't know about? Last time I counted there was an even dozen. I would love to have a 13th == is there a surprise in store? Only kidding

  • At 4:04 AM, Blogger Karen said…'re right! Where did that 13 come from?

    HA,HA!!! Love you!

  • At 4:08 AM, Blogger Karen said…


    Not only was I one of 5 but my Mom is one of 10, and they all had kids except one, so I have many, many cousins. I always had someone to play with! :)

    It's nice to remember the fun times...

  • At 4:31 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    What a beautiful tribute to your Dad, Karen! : )

  • At 3:14 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    OH My Karen,,,large indeed....I am lucky to have like 2 cousins...and when we get together whit their 3 cousins from the other side of the family it is a "CROUD" lol lol Not as big as the "CROUD" you guys would A small New England town could be formed with all those family members...So are you the one to have the "13th"? lol lol lol WIth all those grandkids I could see you loose count.....anything over 10 is just hard to
    Have fun with all those family members..I'm sure your boys graduations and weddings will be very large and fun.....


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