So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Matty Man

Since I told you about Billy, I needed to talk about my other little guy. My Matthew is probably about the coolest kid I know. He has played football since he was in first grade, has been to see Bruce Springsteen, loves Warren Zevon, the Ramones, Joe Jackson, the Who, AC/DC and this will be his third time seeing Tom Petty this year. He skis black diamonds, hikes mountains, plays baseball and is killer at scrabble. He is also on the Honor Roll!! We bought him this Razor Electric Dirtbike for his 10th birthday (note his Dad's bike next to it). When I saw him ride up on it, my heart dropped because he is the SPITTING image of his father when he was about 12 (when I first laid eyes on him and claimed him for my very own). oh, and YES, he does wear a helmet when riding his new bike and he only rides in on the nice dirt roads up in New Hampshire. He also gives wonderful hugs and kisses and makes both myself and his father very proud. :)


  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    What a nice lookin' kid......Glad to hear about wearing the helmet. Gotta take care of those very important heads........
    Norma was right your boys sound like sweethearts......

  • At 1:02 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks Steph.. they are! Sounds like we are both pretty lucky (although there was alot of hard work put in there too.. so we can take some of the credit!)

  • At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    another cool i have someone to take to the aerosmith concerts in the future...another rocker in the family....

    anonymous blogging woman...


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