So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Fight a little, pack a little....

Fight a little, pack a little, fight a little, pack a little, cheep, cheep, cheep, fight a lot.. pack a little more...

OK, am I the only one who spent Sundays watching movies like "Oklahoma", "Annie Get yer Gun" and "South Pacific"?

Anyway, kind of a rotton weekend other than the impromptu party for an old neighbor that I was invited to Friday night.

The pressure is SO on... we are out of this house by Wednesday and there just seems to be stuff all over the place. I'm trying to go through old papers of the kids, halloween costumes, dishes, you name it and I hate to throw it away!! I'm trying.. We are all tired and bickering and can't wait for our 2 week vacation up in NH where all I want to do is read books and drink some of those margarhitas I'm hearing so much about! Or an Old Man of the Mountain pale ale, or a glass or chardonnay, perhaps some raspberry stoli.....but I digress.

We're getting there... I can't wait till we arrive!


  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    WOW! 2 weeks will fly and you will say where did the time go?================================== I hope on Sunday morn you get to watch a classic. "Easy Like Sunday Morning"

  • At 8:35 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    I can't believe how fast this is happening! I know what fun packing is...NOT!!!!! and the mess it leaves behind....and the allergies you get from them....

    okay want your margarita on the rock with salt or frozen???? i'll make it a double! you'll need it!

  • At 7:09 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Steph.. No TV for me today! more packing.. :( but we did pick up Billy!!!! (yay!)
    Andy, NH is a great spot for vaca! We have a place in the White Mountains and it is the perfect escape..great place for a honeymoon :)
    Jess, on the rocks - no salt - make it a double! :)


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