So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, June 19, 2006

so I haven't heard from Matthew...

I left a message saying I was just checking in on them. That was at 6:30 or so... it's now 9:41... and I have heard nothing. One child is in the middle of the ocean and the other is not calling me.

I'm ready for tomorrow now.


  • At 8:20 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    well its tomorrow? do you feel better and how did you sleep?

  • At 9:56 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I slept great when I finally fell asleep at midnight.. then woke up at 5:45 to go to work. very tired right now. going to Kim's beach house in Marshfield to hang and get Matt (who was out until 10 p.m. having a great time).. I'm glad.. i know I'm a spaz!


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