So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, June 19, 2006

All alone :(

Well, its day one with Billy gone. He left yesterday from South Boston with his Grandparent's on the Norweigan Magesty: destination BERMUDA. This is his 13th birthday present from them. Every one of their grandchildren has the option to cruise when becoming a teenager. Kimberly went. Kevin didn't. Billy went.. ?next is Matthew....

I don't know how I feel about him being on a ship without me. He was so happy to go, and I know they will watch him like a hawk, but I found myself aimlessly wandering the house at 11:30 p.m. last night, not able to sleep. I'm happy for him, really I am, but I'll be happier when he is home.

Matthew is at a sleepover tonight. My friend Kim offered to take him to her beach house because I had to work today at the hospital and again tomorrow (we have someone out on vacation and part of my "at-home" trade-off is that I have to go in and cover). Bill drove up to NH after work with yet another truckload of JUNK from our house. So.. it's just me. I should be happy to have the house to myself, the TV to myself, the bed to myself.... but I kinda don't like it.

I guess I like my chaotic household and right now it's just too quiet. I think I'll go make some noise.


  • At 4:32 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    i wanna go on a cruise!!!! he'll be totally fine, he'll probably make friends in like 10 know he's not a trouble maker or anything and i don't really think he's a risk taker...Matthew....he'll be the one you might have to worry about...he is big bill's clone!

    don't let the lady with the knife get you tonight!!! ahahhahahah, i'm evil

  • At 4:41 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    I know! You come here and debate with the 5-year-old about how if she was not "too tired" to bring 2 dozen stuffed animals into the living room, she can't be "too tired" to put them away...wrangle the 4-year-old into eating SOMETHING for dinner...and I will go to your nice, quiet house and get an uninterrupted night of sleep; what do you think? ; )

    Seriously...I know I would feel the same way in your situation! It would just seem weird! Hang in there, baby!

  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks guys!

    Maybe I'll watch a chick flick. C'mon over Norm...I'll wrangle the kids! and Jessica.. just you wait! Even when they are big (and good) you still can't breathe right if you don't know what they are doing every single minute.

    obsessive aren't I? My poor kids.

  • At 3:08 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    You're alot like me Karen.....Normie knows I HATE being away from them, AND both at the same time? Whats a mom to do? Hope he has a great time on the boat. Keep smilin !!!!!!!

  • At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    just showing Julie your blog and how it works


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