So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy 4th!!!

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! 47 years together and married on the 4th of July with a BANG! We had a nice little celebration cookout on the deck with champagne and way too much food! We then lit off a bunch of fireworks in the circle at the end of the street and my niece kept asking "Is this the GRAND FINALE?"! Much fun had by all. Mom and Dad headed home to catch the parade in their town and the rest of us decided to take a hike up Welch Dickey (halfway - I think we only did Welch, or maybe just Dickey)? After huffing my way up (first hike of the year) we were met with phenomenal views of Waterville Valley down below. We saw hawks and the kids picked wild blueberries and we all had a little snack before heading back down. After they went home we ended the day with Fireworks down in the Valley and headed home for bed! God Bless America!


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