So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I'm feelin 40.....

After two ACTIVITY filled days, I need to REST!!!! Today, I am going to sit on the deck (with lots of sunblock :) and read the book that my sister-in-law Liz gave me. So far its good.. Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer.

Here's a recap of the activity. Birthday: Got up after a nice evening of cheesecake and chocolate to a yummy egg breakfast from hubby. Packed water, PB&J and Pringles, and headed on down to Campton where we were loaded in a van with some other adventure-seeking families and dropped off at the river with our kayaks. As chance has it there happened to be another woman there celebrating her 40th. She was born hours before me.. she was OLDER!! We all got into our kayaks and off we went. Matt was nervous about dying, but we assured him he would live and once he was going he loved it! It was so much fun and for the first couple of miles you almost didn't have to paddle because the river took you. The boys goofed off a bit and were playing bumper boats with the kayaks but eventually stopped after being threatened :) We mozied (is that how you spell it?) on down the river and stopped at a few rocky beaches and had our lunch and explored. Our best stop was at a huge rock where Bill and I layed in the sun and across from it was a rope swing that the boys went on. It took all that was in me to keep my mouth shut as they swung out over the river and dropped in... it seemed so high but they did it and still have all their limbs! It was an 8 mile river ride and by the last mile or so our arms were sore.

After racing home and taking showers we headed out to the Common Man for the fastest dinner ever so we could catch the 6:50 showing of Pirates of the Carribean. The line was around the block and we are talking a 2 show tiny theater off the street. To say I was panicked is putting it mildly, especially after a big yellow bus full of teenage girls pulled up and started marching into the movies! But we made it in and actually got 4 seats together. The movie was great and we already can't wait to see part 3. We were all ready for bed and the boys were picking at each other after a day of too much togetherness.

Day 2: We slept late!!!!! Ate a good breakfast of blueberry pancakes and headed over the Kancamagus to Pinkham Notch where we hiked over to Glen Ellis Falls. It was supposed to be an easy hike (a little less than 2 miles) to the falls but it was the craziest path I ever saw. We were literally climbing over huge rocks and crossing over rivers jumping from rock to rock and squeezing between boulders. We finally got there and climbed down the man-made stone steps to view a gorgeous waterfall. So Day 1 we worked out our arms and Day 2 we worked our legs!!! Stopped at Subway (I had never been there, it was good) for lunch and of course at Friendlys for sundaes (there goes our workout) and finally headed home. Bill and I caught up on DEADWOOD (HBO show which we love). Matt had a sleepover with the neighbors.. and we headed to a much needed sleep.

Looking forward to doing nothing today!


  • At 7:08 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    Sounds like a good birthday to me! Here goes another year... : )

  • At 7:48 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Oh MY lots of activites done in a short time lol.....Sounds like lots of fun is being had.....Glad to hear the 40th was great and some days ya just gotta sleep late lol lol lol .....

  • At 9:52 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    "Matt was nervous about dying, but we assured him he would live and once he was going he loved it! It was so much fun" You gotta love matt, hahahahhahahahahahaaha!!!!!! sounds like a fantastic 2 day bday deserve it! and now you deserve a rest :)


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