So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm sad...

I was hoping I wouldn't have to post this, but I get got news on my father's recent colonoscopy. They found a mass and took biopsies and have given him a positive result for rectal cancer. The mass needs to be removed right away so he is going to meet with a surgeon on Tuesday. When they operate, they will find out what stage it is, whether it is contained, and what further treatment he will need.

On a good note, he is being so positive and wonderful about this. I just got off the phone with him and he told me not to worry, that he already promised my mother he will be here for their 50th anniversary (three more years)...He wants us all to be positive and I am going to be, for him.

I'm just feeling pissed off about the whole thing because he has had so many health problems, has worked so hard in his life, and I want him to be able to enjoy his golden (HA!) years. He just went through radiation for prostate cancer in 2004. He had a pacemaker put in just this year for his atrial fibrillation and weakened heart....and yet, he continues to defy the odds. I'm just so glad he doesn't want to give up..

Thanks for listening...........keep him in your thoughts....


  • At 6:37 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    I'm sad too...I hate thinking of Papa having to go through more suffering....

    he has all of us and all of our prayers and love. he HAS to be okay.

  • At 6:41 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    I will keep him in our prayers...My FIL had a removal just like that and after treatment and 4 mnths or so he was back to normal, even during it he had a great I am going to be fine attitude. That is a wonderful way to be and I am glad your dad is being so upbeat. God Bless and keep us posted.......xo

  • At 7:20 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks Steph, that's encouraging news about your FIL...medical science is wonderful....All we can do is appreciate what we have each and every day.. and DON'T Sweat the small stuff.. which is sometimes easier said than done.

  • At 8:01 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen, I will Keep him in my prayers. What's his first name?

  • At 8:12 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    drew, his name is Edmund.

  • At 5:45 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks, all.. much appreciated :)

  • At 6:52 AM, Blogger Norma said…

    Karen, just want to send some love and hugs and let you know that I'll be thinking of all your family; wish you (and your Dad) did not have to go through this ordeal...

  • At 11:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.


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