So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Power Out!

After going out for Peking Ravioli and a Mich Ultra with a friend, I came back to a dark neighborhood and everyone sitting out on the patio. NO POWER!!! Right in the middle of Big Brother, everything suddenly shut off... It must have been everyone with their AC on because of this heat. We would have loved to stay out in the dark but the ferocious mosquitos were feasting on us.. so into the HOT HOUSE we went. They boys amused themselves with flashlights and played UNO in the dark. We adults just sat like lumps in our chairs feeling helpless without our electricity. After about an hour, we all gave up and went to bed only to be awakened hours later by a much needed thunder and lightening storm. It was beautiful! I slept with every windown open and the cool breeze was appreciated more than ever! Hope this is the end of the heatwave.. I, for one, have had quite enough.


  • At 6:56 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    rolling power outages are going on all over the warming...just ask Al Gore!!! hehehehe
    p.s. i hate mosquitos

  • At 8:03 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    NO BIG BROHTHER....As if...the power company should know that the show is very important. lol
    I hope Karen you are a tride and true BB fan!!! Are you? Normie will tell you I am the fan of all lol
    Sorry to hear the electic went out......Also glad that the weather seems much cooler.

  • At 3:39 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Yes, Stephie..
    I am a BB fan, but haven't seen all of them so I'm not as true blue as you! I don't like the looks of Boogie. he looks like a weasel so I hope he gets kicked off. Don't know why they put up Nakomis (?spelling) she seems harmless. Who do you want to win?

  • At 4:20 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Yes Mike Boogie was never a real trustworthy type of guy and a folower of the evil Dr. Will. yuck!
    NaK could be really smart without making it look like she is so I think she is a treat. I wish Boggie or Will were going home. I can not say at this point who I want to win. I have to see how SMART they are and if they are big liars. I am not sure. I don't thing the blog gives you enough room to type as much as I can about this subjest lol ....On the BB site for NBC there is a chat forum I LOVE IT!!! I am Stephie says on it lol ......


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