So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, July 10, 2006

News Alert!

When I opened up USA TODAY this morning, this is what greeted me:


"A gang of cross-dressing shoplifters, tall, slender men in brassy blonde wigs, stiletto heels and skintight tank tops, have been terrorizing clothing stores for months. They've hit at least a half-dozen times since shops reopened after Katrina hit on Aug. 29."

Apparently, above said "divas" who are 6 feet tall are using the fact that shopkeepers don't want to stare at them while they are shopping. They sometimes have babies or toddlers with them while they load their arms full of the boldest, brightest, neon colored outfits they can find. Then, while their arms are full, they make a dash outside where a white Toyota carts them away to safety.

Since police are slow putting an end to these crimes, locals store owners have devised a lookout system where if one sees the "divas" they immediately phone each other and lock their doors to the cross dressing bandits.

So, ladies and gentlemen, if you come across any 6 feet tall, brassy blondes in stiletto heels wielding babies or toddlers, make a run for it.. you could become victim to a fashion crime.

Oh, what a wonderful world......................


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