So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Monday, July 31, 2006


My wandering gypsy family spent the weekend at my sister's house down the cape (Dennis to be exact).. It was just what we needed. As soon as I got there, a nice, cold corona with lime was put in my hand. We sat on the deck and talked and laughed til dinner. My kids are completely entertained by my sister and her stories. Billy laughs until he is choking! Next day we spent the WHOLE day at Cold Storage beach which is so beautiful. We sat by the jetty and the boys all fished and walked the rocks while we sat by the water which was surpisingly warm.. After a perfect beach day, we went back to the house for more coronas and some surf-n-turf (steak and lobster which I cannot partake of because of lousy iodine allergy)... but I got to enjoy watching everyone else crack the shells and dip the butter. Jimmy made us blue martinis (lovely gift from neice Ashley to Auntie Janice) and we all made S'mores over the copper fire bowl.. and best of all...... I slept in a comfy bed!!!! Have I mentioned that the bed in this house is killing me..? The BED IN THIS HOUSE IS KILLING ME!!!! I bought a mattress topper today so I won't wake up a gazzillion times tonight.. I'll let you know if it works..TTFN


  • At 1:29 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    good luck with the mattress uncomfy bed is not a good thing...

  • At 3:37 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Sounds like being a wonderer is not a bad gig for you guys lol...
    Glad to hear you had a good nights sleep. When you get to move to the new house you will need a mattress made for a queen.....


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