So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Visit with Parental units..

I took a ride up to my parents yesterday. Just me.. No kids in tow. No listening to music I don't like. No listening to bickering in the back seat. It was a nice way to clear my head. Its about a 35 minute ride without traffic. I was pleasantly surprised to see my oldest brother there when I arrived and the four of us sat in the kitchen and had a nice chat. I have to admit that when I walked in and hugged my Dad (extra-long hug) the tears just started flowing, so I took a bathroom break so he wouldn't see. When you see the one who used to take care of you, the big strong Dad who could do anything, in a predicament of such a precarious nature, you feel really helpless. In his case, even the doctors are bewildered, which doesn't leave me feeling so confident. But.. all we can do is wait and see.

Anyway, I love going to my parents house and being the kid. Theres just such comfort level when you walk through the door, even though this isn't the house I grew up. I never lived where they live because they bought after I was already out and married. But still, I could curl up and nap if I wanted to .. or throw on a blanket and snuggle in front of the T.V. I don't think there is anywhere in the world where you feel as at home (as your own house..) than your parent's house. (that is if you are lucky enough to have a good relationship with your parents) :)

We had a nice dinner out at Applebees'.. just the three of us (again, me doing the whole"kid" thing was nice) and went back to the house before I headed home.

I asked my father if there is anything he hasn't done that he would like to do. He replied that he wants to go out West. I loved hearing that. He wants to see Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon and Monticello. My hopes for him are that he gets to go.


  • At 12:55 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    That does sound like a very nice visit, Mrs. T. Nice also that your dad is able to speak honestly about what's going on, hard as it is for all of you to hear it. I hope everything goes as well as possible and he is able to enjoy life and maybe take that trip out west with you.

  • At 2:34 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    That is such a sweet discription of your feelings about "going home". I hope you get to go on your adventure out west and maybe a trip to see Jess!

  • At 7:47 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    luckily my grandparents were just out here in June. We had a nice visit :) And Karen came out here once with my parents we called it "bootcamp vacation"!

  • At 11:18 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Thanks all!!!

    Andy, at this point he definitely can't travel. Surgery has been booked for 8/11 and recovery time will be awhile.. I think it's great that he has some goals..something to look forward to while recuperating.. I'll buy him a Mount Rushmore coffee mug so he can be thinking about it.. My Uncle Leo loves to drive and they are their main travel companions, so maybe an RV will be in their future!

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