So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back to Reality....

Yippee, Yahoo!!! School is back in session!!!!!!

Now, I absolutely adore my two handsome intelligent sons, but after a kiss at the door yesterday, I breathed a sigh of relief! It has been ONE CRAZY SUMMER!!!! I am in desparate need of some sort of routine to my life and now its time to start. It is so nice to hear.....nothing. No laughing, talking, fighting, asking me when I'll be finished on the computuer, whose turn it is, he had it last. I am so happy to see them when they get home and tell me about their day, but I LOVE SCHOOL!!

I admit I was a nervous wreck when Billy left for his first day of middle school (jr. high) yesterday. His two friends, Emily and Marissa, that we have known since they were 3 came to the door at 6:45 all adorable and giggly and ready for school and he walked out in between them, all 5 feet 9 inches, size 12 feet of him. A little piece of my heart broke right then and there. Of course I was waiting at the door to see how his face looked before I asked about his day and he was so happy and smiling! He has friends (good ones) in all his classes, likes his teachers and is looking forward to joining some clubs! I breathed a nice fat sigh of relief.. then I had to start filling out gazillions of forms (he didn't get homework, I did).

Matt also had a great day in 5th grade. His teacher is young and fresh and excited about the year. He is hoping to get high math placement (which he usually does) and has a couple football buddies in his class. His biggest concern this year was the shoes to buy.. DC's... Am I the only one out there that think these are totally ugly? I refuse to get heelies because I think they are dangerous and they also make you walk on your tiptoes.. (sorry for all you fun parents that like heelies!!!)

Anyway, day 2 and I am still smiling.....Hooray for school!


  • At 6:57 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    uh oh..I don't even know what DC's are. If they're not kids don't wear 'em. Also, my 8 yr. old is the one kid who wears shorts all year... no, when it snows we force him to wear pants! Heelies are cool though!

  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    glad you're still smiling!

    i hate heelies....its're walking down the mall and all of the sudden a child is rolling away....just weird. they must be heavy too.

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    I'm a mean mom.. Matt wanted heelies but I think they are totally clunky..

    Drew, I meant to say sneakers...must be a Boston thing to say shoes! DC's are sneakers and they are really hot right now as are Etnies (no idea how to spell that) I think they are skateboarding shoes (sneakers).. even though Matt is not a skateboarder!

  • At 11:20 AM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    sneakers out here are called tennies! no one says sneakers...kind of weird!

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Heelies get a detention in our schools..they do ...K I do not like DC's myself...Etnes are "the sickest sneakers ever" by my Jr High boy lol ...and yes a size 12 foot here too 5'8" so close they could be twins lol...We are still waiting 'till Sept. 5 and 6th for the 1st day of school.....Still waiting lol lol
    Glad to hear all went well for boys and MOM!

  • At 4:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm a mean mom as well...hate heelies! Are DC's like Vans? Michael was into those a few years ago and the middle school kids are wearing them now. did you see the news about the boy in Middleboro? I know i don't need to say it...load Matt up with repelant. Scares me to death.

  • At 5:52 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Oh, me too.. How heartbreaking. I am loading him up, believe me.. Something has to be done about these killer mosquitos!

    DC's are like vans except more puffy.. Of course he looks adorable, but I am a running shoe fan myself.. I let him get them because you know how he is!

    Guess what.. they put him BACK up to Varsity. His coach pulled me aside and said he is doing great and to keep him doing great..I'm getting him a collar. It still could change.. he is happy though.

  • At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    as long as he is happy with the decision...i would rather see him at the jv level, but im not his coach!

  • At 12:15 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Karen are you guys near Middleboro?

  • At 11:56 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    Steph, we are fairly close to Middleboro, about 25 minutes away.. so it is very scary and sad that the poor little boy died of EEE. They have sprayed the field and I hose him down with bug spray every night.... I don't know what they are going to do about the first game because its a night game so they might have to change it.

    Andy.. I agree.. why do they have to be able to skate around anway!


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