So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

TAG!!! You're it!

Here we go...

1. The one household chore I don't mind doing is: ironing (rarely) up in my room with Days of our Lives on. I also don't mind cleaning the kitchen because I love a nice clean organized kitchen. I HATE laundry because its never ending.

2. The last person to make a surprise visit to my home: Since I'm currently residing in my in-laws home, I have to say my mother in law's brother Paul and his wife popped down here to say hello and of course, have the tour of our house that we are building.

3. I cannot comprehend: People who don't know how to parent. I don't know if my standards are too high or what, but it seems harder and harder to be a good parent and raise your kids right when there are so many people out there that have no right being parents at all. phew.....

4. At this momemt I wish: that my father would have some more years with us.. that his chemotherapy will work, they will be able to do surgery, and that life will go on as I have known it.

5. The last serious discussion I had was: with my mom about my dad... BTW.. chemo went well yesterday.. My sister went with them and spent the whole day. He loved that they fed him lunch :) Only complaint was that he was cold. As of last night, he felt good but hungry! Here's to day 2.....

6. The thing that made me laugh the hardest today was: When I talked to my mom last night she told me that my sister and her husband, my brother and neice and my mom and dad were sitting around talking.. my parents have french doors which look out on pine trees with bird feeders in them.. as they were looking out the window at the birds they saw one that looked different. They all got up to crowd around the doors to look out because there was a parakeet in the trees amongst the other birds! They were all pressed up against the door watching when my cousin Kathy came walking up the path to see all these weird faces pressed up against the door... it struck me so funny and I wished I was there to see it! Of course it all came down to the discussion of the parakeet that I owned that I thought loved me so much it wouldn't fly away... but that's a different story!

OK... Jessica, Drew, Melissa.. and anyone else out there.. YOU'RE IT!!!!


  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    Karen ...I so agree with you on the parenting thing....Never set the bar high ENOUGH...So set it way too you know....
    Your dad is in our prayers....

  • At 2:49 PM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    I mean Some set it way to low...not (so)....opps......

  • At 5:00 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    Karen..I did the tag thingy but it's exceedingly boring!

  • At 5:47 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Drew, there is no longer a link to your blog.. you are blogless!!! I still want to read your exceedingly boring (not so) answers!!!

  • At 4:39 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    what happened to my link?!! grrrrr.

  • At 5:33 AM, Blogger Drew said…

    Okay...I had to rename it, but now the link works. It's called Extra Innings. Same blog, new name. Thanks for the heads-up!

  • At 1:23 PM, Blogger melissa said…

    On the subject of other ppls parenting...If you keep your expectations tiny, you'll be alot less whiny,LOL
    I expect Nothing from others-as Stephie was saying. Always a nice surprise to meet a normal family who takes care/loves their kids!

  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger melissa said…

    Oh, I didn't mean YOU were whining, K, just an expression I use : )

  • At 3:05 AM, Blogger Karen said…

    That's ok M.. I kind of was whining!!!

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