So Anyway,

Thoughts and comments on happenings in my life....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

MFA and memories...

Billy and I had our annual mother/son visit to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. We go every year just the two of us and walk around the museum, have lunch in the courtyard, and walk around some more. One of my favorite rooms is the European Art Room where the paintings are from the 15th century and depict roman/greek myothology and lots of portrayals of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus.. There are also some darker ones depicting Christ being crucified, and scenes of John the Baptist's head. The paintings are so HUGE and dramatic that I am always astounded and awed when standing in front of them. Another one that fascinates me is the painting of Watson and the Shark by John Singleton Copley. My father went back to school in his 40's to get his Bachelor's degree and he took an art course. He had a big art book of American artists and I used to sit and turn the pages and stare at the pictures. This one always scared and fascinated me. In it there is a boat with some people in it overlooking a naked man in the water with long flowing hair who is about to be eaten by a HUGE SHARK! It freaks me out to this day!!! In the museum it says that it was painted to depict a true story and that the boy (Watson) actually did survive but lost a leg.

My parents always took us to the museum when we were little and I'm so glad Billy shares my love for it. We have the best time walking around and looking at things and just spending some time together. I am also very silly so we have some good laughs while we are in there.

Coming home I took a detour through Jamaica Plain and Roslindale to show him the house where I grew up and where his father grew up. It feels so weird to go back in time and see things. My house looked so small for having 7 people living there! The driveway was tiny and I was sad to see that the outside wasn't kept up nice like my parents had it. My Mom always had flowers blooming everywhere and a freshly painted fence. I wished I could have gone in the yard, but that might have been a little weird for the current owners! Anyway, it made me appreciate my parents and my life now as I know it. I'm grateful for the memories that I have and grateful to be able to make new ones with my son.


  • At 7:08 PM, Blogger Drew said…

    That picture is a little creepy~~!

    I sometimes go back to the house I lived in as a kid. It's such a weird feeling isn't it? But I dunno...I just pass by every few years.

  • At 8:26 PM, Blogger anonymous blogging woman..... said…

    ha, i've lived in both those houses! bills and grandmas :)

    that painting is freaky....i hope i don't have nightmares over it!

  • At 7:02 AM, Blogger melissa said…

    Wow very dramatic-the picture. Interesting though!
    We almost bought my childhood home-some days I think if I hit the lottery, I'd go "make them (the owners} an offer that they can't refuse"

  • At 7:45 AM, Blogger Stephie Says..... said…

    That is so nice to spend the time showing him your ROOTS.....You are so lucky to have such wonderful parents.......thanks for sharing...

  • At 6:51 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    That is a great painting. Love the MFA; haven't been there since I was single! Glad you had a special day with your guy.


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